Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

This topic contains 114 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  hieeeeejj 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #634818

    cece945 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:54 PM

    Hiya guys ! So here is my list: Shuts, green swim bottom, rock jacket, Louie’s mustache, red rock, railway dream super bed, hopping bunny psi, genie lamp (psi), all gemstone lamps, and webkinz care clock :)

    I like shuts. And 1 thing. Do u know if there is a way to report people that name their demo pets bad names?

    1. #634827


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-20 at 06:25 PM

      The reason I said that about demo pets is because I MIGHT report them because they name their pets BAD names.

      here SAG, if anyone named their demo pet something inapproprate it never would have gone through.


    2. #634680


      hey does anyone have a good offer on charm tiara??????????

    3. #634824

      The reason I said that about demo pets is because I MIGHT report them because they name their pets BAD names.

    4. #634822


      Hi! I’m intrested in your clock. LMK if you like any of these for it.

      Wallowing tub
      Puppy Collar Clock
      Nocturnal Night Lamp
      Crystal Croc Wading Pool
      Serpentine Stream
      Garden Stripes Table
      Shaggy Yorkie couch
      Fred Rover Sofa
      Shrubbery Sleeper bed
      2011 Touring van
      Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace
      Hero of the storm display
      Detective desk
      Golf cart
      Bed in a Box
      Down under burrow
      Retreiver TreadmillMonkey Business sofa
      Chef Gazpacheo stove
      Red Fire Engine Truck
      Big City Window

      If you don’t like any of these I have more, PLMK Thanks,


    5. #634818

      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:54 PM

      Hiya guys ! So here is my list: Shuts, green swim bottom, rock jacket, Louie’s mustache, red rock, railway dream super bed, hopping bunny psi, genie lamp (psi), all gemstone lamps, and webkinz care clock :)

      I like shuts. And 1 thing. Do u know if there is a way to report people that name their demo pets bad names?

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