Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

This topic contains 114 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  hieeeeejj 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #634818

    cece945 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:54 PM

    Hiya guys ! So here is my list: Shuts, green swim bottom, rock jacket, Louie’s mustache, red rock, railway dream super bed, hopping bunny psi, genie lamp (psi), all gemstone lamps, and webkinz care clock :)

    I like shuts. And 1 thing. Do u know if there is a way to report people that name their demo pets bad names?

    1. #637611


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:29 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 01:43 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-25 at 12:48 PM
      I will have to let you know for sure on that when I go into my closet rooms lol thanks to some awesome friends, I have done pretty well on my deluxe collection lol but there might still be one or two things I might need….I will LYN for sure……also there are a couple that I wouldnt mind having duplicates on so like I said, I will LYN :D

      Do you want a elegant asian headress >.<

      Actually, that is one I have a double on already but….yes there is a but here…..lmk what you would like for it and I will let you know because I would not mind having another extra, it would just depend on what you wanted for it ya know what i mean??

      Oh ok what do you hav to offer I’m not really needing anything specfic oh ya I just got a deluxe clock lol I didnt know they had one :P

    2. #637610


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:20 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:15 PM
      Hiya guys anyone nneed my green swim bottoms??!


      Hiya guest what do you hve to offer :)

    3. #637593


      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 01:43 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-25 at 12:48 PM
      I will have to let you know for sure on that when I go into my closet rooms lol thanks to some awesome friends, I have done pretty well on my deluxe collection lol but there might still be one or two things I might need….I will LYN for sure……also there are a couple that I wouldnt mind having duplicates on so like I said, I will LYN :D

      Do you want a elegant asian headress >.<


      Actually, that is one I have a double on already but….yes there is a but here…..lmk what you would like for it and I will let you know because I would not mind having another extra, it would just depend on what you wanted for it ya know what i mean??


    4. #637591


      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:54 PM

      Hiya guys ! So here is my list: Shuts, green swim bottom, rock jacket, Louie’s mustache, red rock, railway dream super bed, hopping bunny psi, genie lamp (psi), all gemstone lamps, and webkinz care clock :)

      hey, would anyone trade their charm tiara for black belt and the blue aqua belt? i REALLY need charm, plmk if you wanna trade and my username on webkinz is amma1001 thx (:

    5. #637589


      cece945 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:15 PM

      Hiya guys anyone nneed my green swim bottoms??!


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