Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading with Jakarta and cece :)

This topic contains 114 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  hieeeeejj 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #634818

    cece945 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:54 PM

    Hiya guys ! So here is my list: Shuts, green swim bottom, rock jacket, Louie’s mustache, red rock, railway dream super bed, hopping bunny psi, genie lamp (psi), all gemstone lamps, and webkinz care clock :)

    I like shuts. And 1 thing. Do u know if there is a way to report people that name their demo pets bad names?

    1. #635465


      Patriotic Top Hat (Deluxe Clothing Item)

      Signature Alps Rescue Station (On Hold for Froggy)
      Estore Rockerz Kitty PSI (Dressing Room Vanity)(NGO)
      FULL Estore Pearl Pup PSI (Lustrous Pearl Sideboard and Two Pearl Place Settings)(NGO)
      Majestic Tiger PSI (Royal Fountain)

      Both Walls and Flooring to the Whimsical Wonderland Rare Theme

      Please Let Me Know If You Like Anything On My List! If so, friend me @ MellarkEverdeen on WW!

    2. #635453


      Viper888 wrote on 2012-07-21 at 06:44 PM

      Thx your VERY thoughtful! I would like the puppy collar clock if you think thats fair.

      O.K. good. I will post. Sorry it took so long but I just got back from LF duty at the pool.


    3. #635405


      Thx your VERY thoughtful! I would like the puppy collar clock if you think thats fair.

    4. #635364


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-21 at 05:12 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-07-21 at 04:13 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 11:12 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 07:55 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 06:23 PM
      Hi! I’m intrested in your clock. LMK if you like any of these for it.
      Wallowing tub
      Puppy Collar Clock
      Nocturnal Night Lamp
      Crystal Croc Wading Pool
      Serpentine Stream
      Garden Stripes Table
      Shaggy Yorkie couch
      Fred Rover Sofa
      Shrubbery Sleeper bed
      2011 Touring van
      Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace
      Hero of the storm display
      Detective desk
      Golf cart
      Bed in a Box
      Down under burrow
      Retreiver TreadmillMonkey Business sofa
      Chef Gazpacheo stove
      Red Fire Engine Truck
      Big City Window
      If you don’t like any of these I have more, PLMK Thanks,

      JEWELS PLZ LOOK! i like the bed in a box…. Well it just sounds cool. LMK what it is as soon as you can. Oh ya heres my list
      these are ones I think you’ll like
      Jewel belt
      bubble hat
      pink baby romper
      sleeping dragon bed
      Neo gothic fireplace
      tastful&tasty tea set
      emperors seat
      Magic potion
      electric blue mauna loa lamp
      nafaria poster
      PLMK what you like. if you dont like anything I have plenty more.

      How about the electric blue lamp? I will be in reg KC in a few in blue or we can post. Friend me at lunoch1
      I will give you pretty plaid gown to even it out!

      Ok lets post my user name is iloverack and you dont have to send me a gown I dont like gowns

      O.K. My UN is babettesix6 Thanks,

      I accepted your friend request but I would feel better if picked something else to add to our trade to even it up. LMK which item. I can post first if you like.


    5. #635357


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 08:41 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-07-20 at 07:51 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-07-20 at 07:44 PM
      Hey guys here is my list Berry fresh swim bottoms Berry fresh swim top Rainbow butterfly tank top Cheerleader skirt Winged tee Candy factory coveralls PLMK If you like anything

      This is not even half of what I have but this is the start so PLMK If you want some more offers

      I would like the candy factory overalls

      What do you have? PLMKASAP


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