Trouble registering new ‘Mazing Hamster

Home Forums Mazin’™ Hamsters – Archives Trouble registering new ‘Mazing Hamster

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #809706


    My daughter got a ‘Mazing Hamster for her birthday. She has the secret code to register it but we simply cannot figure out where to go for that. The number of digits does not fit the regular Ganz World or Webkinz code registration spots. We got her an Amazing World registration, but we still can’t figure out how to register this pet. How is she supposed to register this?

    1. #812188

      Hi! Mazin hamsters are registered at the code shop, and they require a webkinz account to play with them in webkinz world. If she doesn’t have a Webkinz account, Mazin hamsters won’t work, and unfortunately, they can’t be used to make a Webkinz account, either. :( Does she have a Webkinz account? If so, to get to the code shop, log into webkinz, then click on ”things to do”, and look for the code shop. When the code shop loads, enter the hamster’s code where it says ”enter code”. Then, the picture of the hamster you registered will come up, and will ask you if it is a boy or a girl, and what you want to name it. After, it will ask you if you want to register it in Amazing World as well. :) I hope this helps you. If not, I am happy to assist you. Mazin Hamsters is a lot of fun. I really enjoy playing it.

    2. #811862


      1. Go to the Code Shop in Webkinz World. 2. Enter your code. 3. Click the button underneath. 4. Name your Mazin’ Hamster. I had that same problem until I went to the Code Shop and realized how.

      • #812477


        We have been to the code shop but the number of digits given in the code do not fit the number of slots given at the code shop and it does not accept the code.

        • #813517

          Hello! Could you tell me how you were trying to do it so I can try to figure out what’s wrong? :)

      • #813410


        yea that’s wat you do:O

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