Tutti Frutti Headdress, Neon Fro and Exclusive Cars for Trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Tutti Frutti Headdress, Neon Fro and Exclusive Cars for Trade!

This topic contains 25 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  pck26 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664068


    pck26 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 06:15 PM

    Please post below which item u want to trade with me! ~pck26~

    What kida cars? I have bulldozer Ummmmm Well I have more I know it. I just cant rember.


    1. #664185


      pck26 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 06:15 PM

      Please post below which item u want to trade with me! ~pck26~

      I also have Egyptian Tomb Window and Exquisite Egyptian Obelisk and Pile of Persian Pillows (all rare items, so i’m expecting to trade with rare items)!


    2. #664170


      IDK what i want! can u make a list of what u r willing to trade with me??


    3. #664168


      Sorry i don’t think i have any of them…


    4. #664163

      pck26 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 09:51 AM

      Anybody else???

      do you have–

      any gemsters
      baby blue bumper car
      perfectly purple bumper car
      precious pink bumper car
      beetle bee helicopter
      blue dragster
      charming cherry bumper
      cupcake forklift
      heart air balloon
      rainbow rover
      solar speedster
      striped safari SUV
      super stripey speedster
      tiger stripe convertible
      truck of terror
      VIP tour bus

      lmk if u have any.


    5. #664159


      I absolutely love your jumble berry tractor!!! What would you like for it? Can you make a list?

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