Tutti Frutti Headdress, Neon Fro and Exclusive Cars for Trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Tutti Frutti Headdress, Neon Fro and Exclusive Cars for Trade!

This topic contains 25 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  pck26 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664068


    pck26 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 06:15 PM

    Please post below which item u want to trade with me! ~pck26~

    What kida cars? I have bulldozer Ummmmm Well I have more I know it. I just cant rember.


    1. #664784

      pck26 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 09:25 AM

      Indeed I do! I’ll take the clown car! my user is pck26 just add me on webkinz and we’ll choose a time to meet!

      Sorry i didn’t respond! I didn’t think this posted LOL. I’ll add you at tilliefrog. Could we KP? I’ll send first if necessary. The new clubhouse kind of confuses me. LOL.

    2. #664778


      Hey! I have like 9 of the tutti frutti headdresses so i’ll be happy to trade u one! I have no idea what i would like so can u give me a list of what u have??? Thx…


    3. #664596


      pck26 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 06:15 PM

      Please post below which item u want to trade with me! ~pck26~

      Hi there pck26,

      I’d like your tutti fruity headdress if it’s still available :P LMK what you’d like for it :)


    4. #664574


      I have all the berry prizes!

    5. #664277


      pck26 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:11 AM

      IDK what i want! can u make a list of what u r willing to trade with me??

      I have other jumble berry fields prizes…..since the moon berries are 7 points, the pickle berries are 4, and the sugar and jumble berries are 2, I could do 3 jumble or sugar berry prizes, or a pickle berry prize and either a sugar berry or jumble berry prize….what do you think?

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