Underwater Challenge?

Home Forums Questions – Archives Underwater Challenge?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #821859


    I recently finished the “underwater challenge” (the one where you play Atlantiles and things like that to complete it), and I got a chair and a wallpaper as prizes. I don’t have an underwater room, nor do I want one, and I now I have no idea what to do with these! It won’t let me sell, trade, or send them to someone, and it’s bothering me that they’re just sitting in my inventory! Can someone please help me?

    1. #822092


      Hi pigpieg! The items can’t be traded, sold or sent because they are e-store. One way to get rid of the wallpaper is buying the Sample Styles cabinet because you can store wallpaper in that. The only way to get rid of the chair though, would be in an underwater room. So you would either have to get an underwater pet, or consider going deluxe, cause with deluxe you could buy an underwater room. Hope I helped! LT

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