Valentine Events

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Valentine Events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  basketball5irock 12 years ago.

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  • #712060


    I keep looking for the February Lamp and the Chocolate Floaty, but neither seems to be popping up. I cannot seem to get rid of the Snowball collection ad though.

    1. #713759

      I have gotten 3 Feb. Lamps and 4 chocolates. You are right the chocolate floaty is on every page.

    2. #712959

      I also can’t find the Gem Lamp ad, but the chocolate floaty clicky seems to be on every page! Is this happening for anyone else? Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    3. #712125

      The Chocolate Floaty seems to be running fine for me, but I too cannot find the Gem Lamp add. I think the Snowball Add keeps showing up instead as a glitch. Hopefully it’ll be remedied soon!

      • #712771

        I found it check at the bottom of the page that’s where the ad will be, keep looking if i get another one ill post it for trade. good luck

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