Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives VAMPIRESS DRESS FOR TRADE

This topic contains 18 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  calitigertuxedo 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #817994

    I have the vampiress dress, post your trades! My webkinz is calitigertuxedo. Thanks!

    1. #821765


      Hey, you could have my psi! I have the beachside gazebo, yeti mountain window, Fan tail chair, and Far north sleigh. You could pick maybe, two and lmk if you are interested! TY ~tulip019~

      • #822373

        Hi tulip, i actually have all those psi. If you anything else you would like to trade pleas LMK

    2. #820027


      I have NEO GOTHIC DRESS :) and queen of hearts gown :)

    3. #818377


      Hello! Just wondering: would you be alright trading my den dress for your donut dress and shoes? Let me know soon! Thanks! –Maddie :)

      • #818816

        Hi madukayil, i dont have the shoes anymore. I wish i did though! I would be happy trade my donut dress and one of the following for the den: webkinz year six party hat, jingle bell slippers, green grapes dress, and the bobbin robbin jukebox psi. If you don’t want any of these additional to the donut dress inhave more. Thanks, calitigertuxedo.

        • #819126


          Hi! I actually don’t quite need any of the other items you listed, but I’ll keep the den dress on hold for you. Thanks! –Maddie :)

          • #819441

            Ok, also, i saw your trade list. Do you still have the holiday fuzzy pink bunny ears? I can offer more for that. For the den and ears i can offer donut dress, glam diva top(mystery bag), and glam diva skirt(mystery bag). Or, donut dress, masquerade gown(mystery bag), and rock star torn jeans. For just the den, donut dress and shuts. Please lmk what you think about this. -calitigertuxedo

            • #820549


              Hiya! I still have both the items you like, and I’m so very sorry, but I don’t need the donut costume anymore. :( Hope you don’t mind! But, I’m just wondering if you would trade the glam diva top and skirt for the den? I would love to do that trade, if you are okay with it! :) Let me know, and if not, I’d be happy to work something else out. And, thanks so much for the sweet gift: I hope you liked my little package too! Have a wonderful day! –Maddie :)

            • #821231

              Sure, you are not on my friend list, not sure why, bu i will add you again!

      • #819134


        waiittt maddie? do you know me? its epicshine lol (ebony) i don’t know if i am confusin you with someone else but if i am not, i am a very good friend of yours!

        • #819386


          Hi epicshine! I’m not sure I know you at all, because I don’t have your username on my friends list, unless you have a different user on webkinz world. The only friends from WKN I have are LT, DF. Becky, MORHB, helloprettypanda, and Galaya. Are you one of those people? If not, whoops, sorry about that! But I could always use a few more friends, if that would be alright with you. Thanks!! –Maddie :)

          • #819948

            Maddie, if you haven’t seen my post yet its up there.

    4. #818312


      How about my Charmed Dress and my Wildflower Headdress? TY give me a comment! ~tulip019~

    5. #818183


      omg what are you looking for?? I have the lion psi for trade and a couple of priceless and promo: Rock star Torn jeans, wedding dress+veil, Rockin’ Reindeer Sweater, SnowGlobe Hat, Zangoz Slippers, Glittering Silver Dress, Tye Dye Tuxedo (Whole Outfit (hat, shoes, pants, jacket)), Bee Costume (hat, pants, shoes, shirt), Denim Romp Wear, Golden Tux Shades, BlueHeartz Retro Dress and Despicably Blue Overalls. PLMK if you are interested in any of these items :)

      • #818400

        Hi foxstar2000, unfortunately im not currently in need of those items. I actually kind of want the tie dye outfit, and i have some other great offers, i can offer two depending on what they are: magical meadow med(psi),shuts, fiery flamenco dress, and neo gothic gothic items, but i dont have the dress.

        • #818893


          Ok, then do you wanna trade tie dye outfit for shuts and fiery flamenco dress? If not its ok, but i am woundering if you have the neo gothic dining table. Its the last thing i need in the theme, so if you have the neo gothic dining table for trade, i will send you out fit just for the table. PLMK what you think :) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

          • #819139

            Foxstar2000,I sent the table for the outfit.

            • #819397


              OK, i got it, srry it took so long to send, i wanted to inform you that i am giong to send the shirt, pants and shoes today, and i will send the hat tomorrow :) BTW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TABLE!!! xD lol srry but thanks, ’cause now my neo gothic theme is fineshed xD thanks again :) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

        • #819391


          I have a golf cart, kinzstyle shop clothes, and a pop star dress, if you want to trade anything for any of those things.

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