Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives VAMPIRESS DRESS FOR TRADE

This topic contains 35 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  dollar123 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #682490

    Hey, Hannah! I have a Licorice Dress for the Vampiress Dress. :D

    1. #682499

      Hannah412 wrote on 2012-11-17 at 08:47 PM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-17 at 08:44 PM
      How about the dress and a pair of Plumpy’s Glasses?

      Hmm… I’m just not sure because I gave more than that for it… Maybe though. Do you have any cat?

      Sorry, I don’t have any cat pieces currently. I’ll let you think about it, so just LMK if you want to do that trade. :D Thanks!

    2. #682497


      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-17 at 08:44 PM

      How about the dress and a pair of Plumpy’s Glasses?

      Hmm… I’m just not sure because I gave more than that for it… Maybe though. Do you have any cat?

    3. #682495

      How about the dress and a pair of Plumpy’s Glasses?

    4. #682491


      Hi! Do you have anything else to add? (:

    5. #682490

      Hey, Hannah! I have a Licorice Dress for the Vampiress Dress. :D

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