Various psi NEEDED and things for trade!

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  cutieny2008 12 years ago.

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  • #717483


    Hi all, Here is a list of all the psi i need. I especially need outdoor ice psi which i am willing to trade very good items for. My list is rated like this: 4: EXTREMELY WANT! 3: I want really really bad. 2: I want a lot. 1: I want. you probably notice that there is not a lot of 4′s. Now for the list:

    Frozen fountain, Sig. Penguin- 4.
    Healthy Harvest dining table, Gobbler turkey- 3.
    Batik Loveseat, Batik elephant-3.
    Badger Hill, Badger-4.
    Hidden Hot spring, Golden Pegasus-3
    Red Velvet couch, Red velvet bunny- 2
    Capricorn window, capricorn- 2
    Nutty Converor belt, Signature Chipmunk- 2
    Shimmering Star lamp- green shimmer snake, 2
    Bobin Robin Jukebox- Robin, 3
    Magical Meadow Bed-2C
    Cozy log hideaway- purple fawn- 2
    Musical ice box- ice fawn- 3
    outback elevator- koala- 2
    friendly forest window- 2
    capricorn window-2
    log lodge pool-2
    signature deer psi-4
    Thats all for now. I also need any signature items, the persian rare settee or 1000 kinzcash coins.
    I wont write a list of all the items i have because it would take to long but i have the following:
    exclusives, rares (i have mostly rares), psi’s, valued, cars, clothing & more.

    Please state what item(s) you have for trade, and ill try to get back to you so we can trade items! thanks for your time and i hope we can trade soon!

    1. #717740


      I have Musical Ice Box, do you have Sand Dune Buggy? :D

      • #718088


        Sorry i dont have buggy, but i do have alot of other cars if your willing to trade.

    2. #717739

      SMG & SMG2

      I need the sizzling swan psi!!

    3. #717619


      Do you have in home bowling alley. I don’t have anything you ask for but do you need/want sizzling swan psi

      • #717754


        Hi the swan PSI is worth much more than the bowling alley. It’s a promo PSI, you should trade promo for promo. If you really want to trade it, list the promo you want, and i’ll trade with you. Add me at UN pricelessvault. OK? I can even throw in the bowling alley. Just want you to get a fair trade. DF

      • #718081


        Sorry i dont have the bowling alley. Thanks so much i wish i did though; i really like the sizzling swan psi to =)

    4. #717611


      I need PSI, Sig PSI. I have Frozen Fountain. :D PLMK

      • #718087


        Awesome! When can we trade? The res of today would be good but tommorow i am busy unless we can do it early like 10:00. I have a few psi- marshmallow seeds, not sure what pet they are from, the rock ledge bed psi, the retired ming vase panda psi, walllowing tub psi, a fragrant flower bed psi and a couple others. i also have alot of gem lamps,valued and rare if that intrests you. I am willing to trade more than one item! Thanks so much for your post!

        • #718177


          I’m quite interested in your Fragrant Flower Bed, but I think I may have traded the Fountain away. :/ I’m SO sorry about that, my trading list changes in a day. Due to the forum traffic yesterday, I didn’t see your post. I I will look around to see if I have anything else that interests you. I think I have retired Manatee PSI, Mangrove Treasure Trove, Frosty Fireplace (Snowman PSI), and retired Toco Toucan PSI (Tropical Colors Fountain.) I also have the Priceless shuts. Though you may have to add something small if you’d like the retired ones. I may also have other items, I have to log in. However, I would really love to have that flower bed psi, so I will try to find it again. Grr. I am just so angry with myself! lol

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