Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~**WACKY FOR TRADE**~~

This topic contains 85 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  candypuppy 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #613460


    Catcora15 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 08:33 PM

    I only need priceless at the moment. I really need emotion, scuba belt, or any cat pieces. PLMK any offers! ~Cat

    I have full hippo?

    Ur friend,
    FLW :)

    1. #615630


      DQ- Oh! Ok sorry I was kind of confused :) Thats alright, We can trade tomorrow if it good for you? LMK

      Candypup- Oh no I am not looking for wacky. Well yes I need it but I am not taking your trades away..At least I think I am not. I understand if you were mad, I know the feeling. Sorry if i sounded rude in that last post!

    2. #615551



    3. #615540


      adama123 wrote on 2012-06-12 at 09:19 AM

      Oh sorry Candypup, can I just post one last message? I do not know where to post it :/ Sorry If you are mad!
      Bluestella- I can add the golden gorilla slide. Want to trade or send? LMK AND ADD ME AT ADAMA123!

      Oh sorry, forget what I said, you can trade. It’s just if I get any offers can I accept them first? I was being grouchy, go ahead and trade. I just was getting confused with everybody trading.

    4. #615509

      Adama – I am so sorry for not trading with you today. I don’t have witch yet, I mailed to someone for cat hat and shirt, but the trade didn’t work out, so he’s mailing the witch back tomorrow. Then I can trade, so sorry.

      Candypuppy – I can offer Deer or Shuts or Army. LMK!


    5. #615504


      Oh sorry Candypup, can I just post one last message? I do not know where to post it :/ Sorry If you are mad!

      Bluestella- I can add the golden gorilla slide. Want to trade or send? LMK AND ADD ME AT ADAMA123!

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