Wacky jeans for trade here!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Wacky jeans for trade here!!!

This topic contains 60 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  TennesseeFrogs 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #673873


    puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-10-11 at 06:45 PM

    LMK :)

    Hi there! Can I ask you a question? I have recently got hacked, which is 100% true, and my Wacky Jeans got taken. I swear I am not a scammer this really happened. Dou you think I could have Wacky? I have torn, slips, shuts, and rock jacket. I think I have some PSI if you are interted. I am not a scammer, so LMK if you need any of these things. I need my Wacky back, it took 5 years for me to find it. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!
    Thanks so much and LMK asap!


    1. #676572

      Are you still here? I really want to trade with you!

    2. #676162

      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-10-22 at 11:48 AM

      womack24 wrote on 2012-10-22 at 10:36 AM
      cool, i am are you going to be on this afternoon? maybe it will be easier if we plan a time lol

      I honestly don’t know. It’s a school day so anything could happen. Every weekday I get on in the morning and at 8KT. I’m on right now if you would like to trade now.

      I’ll be on for the next few hours……

    3. #675911

      womack24 wrote on 2012-10-22 at 10:36 AM

      cool, i am are you going to be on this afternoon? maybe it will be easier if we plan a time lol

      I honestly don’t know. It’s a school day so anything could happen. Every weekday I get on in the morning and at 8KT. I’m on right now if you would like to trade now.

    4. #675894


      cool, i am are you going to be on this afternoon? maybe it will be easier if we plan a time lol

    5. #675798


      womack24 wrote on 2012-10-21 at 07:56 AM

      i had to go too. just an FYI, next week I am getting the apprentice owl. Would you rather have that and plumpy since it is a promo pet item? JLMK. I am not going to trade any until we meet up lol

      Hi there, if frog doesn’t want the pwl psi, Can I offer?

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