Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WANNA TRADE? COME HERE!!!

This topic contains 55 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  deadpool1234 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #654249


    kbk100 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 06:25 PM

    HI! everyone this is a place where you can trade anything you want!!!! priceless psi promo anything! i am trading pink bunny ears and rockerz red carpet and slips! if you one needs PLMK!!! have fun TRADING!!!!

    Interested in slips and pink bunny, LMK what you’d like :)

    1. #656972


      mandyslicous44 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 11:19 AM

      anyone have shuts


    2. #656875


      annalise3322 wrote on 2012-08-24 at 02:24 PM

      Hi i have tons of stuff but not all of it im willing 2 trade heres what i am
      good stuff:
      webkinz rockerz dog glasses and high heels
      super bed box
      topsy turvy window elusive item(3)
      rockin recording booth (webkinz rockerz)
      field sketch (zums)
      time machine (exlusive item)
      gem crown of wonder
      ok stuff:
      golden solar helmet
      pink popstar skirt
      normal not so good items:
      a ton of w shop food
      tusslepuff recipe food
      freshly squeezed pickleberry juice
      jumbleberry muffin
      pj collie plush toy
      i want:
      Mad Scientist Goggles
      Vintage Glam Top
      Webkinz Tiara
      Sparkling Gem Flooring
      Magical Forest Crystal
      Retired items:
      hearts of love crew neck shirt
      kids tv
      i know thats not alot but most of my stuff i like and want to keep.lol
      just tell me what you want and have add me as a friend and ill send you the item and u send me urs (if i think its fair)

      annalise…im interested in the rockerz stuff….what r u looking….ur wish list……PLMK

    3. #656829


      annalise3322 wrote on 2012-08-24 at 02:24 PM

      Hi i have tons of stuff but not all of it im willing 2 trade heres what i am
      good stuff:
      webkinz rockerz dog glasses and high heels
      super bed box
      topsy turvy window elusive item(3)
      rockin recording booth (webkinz rockerz)
      field sketch (zums)
      time machine (exlusive item)
      gem crown of wonder
      ok stuff:
      golden solar helmet
      pink popstar skirt
      normal not so good items:
      a ton of w shop food
      tusslepuff recipe food
      freshly squeezed pickleberry juice
      jumbleberry muffin
      pj collie plush toy
      i want:
      Mad Scientist Goggles
      Vintage Glam Top
      Webkinz Tiara
      Sparkling Gem Flooring
      Magical Forest Crystal
      Retired items:
      hearts of love crew neck shirt
      kids tv
      i know thats not alot but most of my stuff i like and want to keep.lol
      just tell me what you want and have add me as a friend and ill send you the item and u send me urs (if i think its fair)

      Hiya :) I’m interested in the Rockerz Heels and the Glasses :D I have the Webkinz Tiara :) Would you do the Heels for the Tiara and something else for the glasses? Plmk :)

    4. #656749

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-20 at 03:09 PM

      kbk100 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 06:25 PM
      HI! everyone this is a place where you can trade anything you want!!!! priceless psi promo anything! i am trading pink bunny ears and rockerz red carpet and slips! if you one needs PLMK!!! have fun TRADING!!!!

      these are items i rly need everyone!!
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~Over the rainbow ride
      ~Frozen fun slide
      ~Icing on the cake Gazebo
      ~Golden Gorilla slide
      ~Snowy mountain peek
      ~Bamboo chute slide
      ~Peppermint swirl slide
      ~Spot of tea slide
      ~Daring den slide
      ~Tennis ball swing
      ~Lovely tree swing
      ~Cool cat string swing
      ~Shamrocking swing
      ~Precious purse swing
      ~Red wolf swing
      ~Spotted jaguar slide

      hi cfskate! i have tennis ball swing and precious purse swing if your
      intrested! PLMKSNOL

    5. #656748

      anyone need a brown belt???

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