Webkinz Clothing Machine Recipes

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Webkinz Clothing Machine Recipes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  smsmo 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #806040


    Hello everyone! Are you trying to find out how to make certain clothes? If you are, just tell me and I’ll look it up and test it so you don’t waste any KinzCash. Lots of people have been trying to solve the Wild Watermelon Tee recipe, and, I know it! Here it is: 1. Ballerina Leotard Top 2. Summer Fun Swimsuit Top 3. Emerald Polka Dot Rain Boots.

    1. #856252


      Thank You So much for posting WWT Right off the Bat! My daughter thanks you also. There haven’t been any others solved recently? Haven’t even been paying much attention since changed everything. Last I knew about was MoonBerry Dress.

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