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This topic contains 12,456 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by rosy16 1 month, 1 week ago.
August 22, 2014 at 1:32 pm #872959
Discuss anything to do with Webkinz!
June 4, 2018 at 9:18 am #1365776
Guys- PLEASE DON’T COMMENT ON HERE. Comment on the New & Upcoming Pets forum. :( https://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/forums/topic/new-upcoming-pets/page/21/ (Or to the newest page) This forum has a lot of old roleplays that were very memorable, stories(Which were my TOTAL favorites), bios of our Webkinz pets, and etc! Please take this comment seriously. The only reason is because back in March-May in 2017, Ganz has been deleting pages on this forum, and it has caused us(people who chatted, talked about their Webkinz, made stories, etc) to move to the Meet My New Pet Forum(Don’t comment on that forum either because that forum is having problems, too), and then THIS year, we had to move to the New & Upcoming Pets forum(Link listed above). Please respect this comment. I don’t want to be rude, mean, or anything related to harassing to anybody on here who’s been commenting on here. I’d love for you all to come on the New and Upcoming Pets forum to comment and chat with us, but not on here. 50% of our fun chats with older members have been on this forum, and we don’t want to have this forum deleting just because people are having……..
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July 13, 2018 at 4:18 pm #1384300
Y’know, just a bit of advice, but you can’t actually stop anyone from writing on here. This is a public website and ya don’t have much authority over other members. If you actually worked for Webkinz that might be a different story, but… you don’t. I was one of the very few with an original roleplay before y’all started on your own, and you wiped mine out. Do I really care that much? I mean, there was a lot of time put into it and some great nostalgia especially because those were some great friends I had and they’ve all moved on elsewhere, but I’ve got other problems irl that are worth a lot more to fight for. Not trying to pick a fight, just trying to help you notice there’s a lot more things to do out there than writing back and forth on a forum.
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July 16, 2018 at 11:37 am #1384570
Hi there. =] I just wanted to explain a little. I know we can’t keep everyone from posting stuff, but you can’t blame us for asking, ya know? I understand that we don’t have control over people, but we would just really appreciate it if people posted stuff on the more active forums (My Pets; more specifically New & Upcoming). That way we would be able to see what people post a lot more and also not have to worry about pages being deleted here. Are you talking about the “Pet Talk” roleplay with Pokekinz? I loved that roleplay sooo much, man! I actually took part in it eventually. So much was put into that very long roleplay.. it’s on the last page of this forum, and I’m worried it might get deleted someday soon.. =/ We’re trying to protect it, which is why we ask people to, please, not post on here, but post on the other forums that we’re on. I get that there is obviously more to life than a forum, but my friends on here are important to me. Hopefully you understand that? =]
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July 31, 2018 at 2:39 am #1388150
Hallo there, LabLover2014 (^ᴥ^) Just going along with my pal emi here. I understand your point– none of us can stop anyone from posting on this forum… I don’t have control over whether or not someone decides to comment on here. However, as emi said, we’re just trying to ask that other members post their inquires elsewhere. I realize that not everyone will do so, but it doesn’t hurt to ask, right? I’m very sorry to hear that your old roleplays were delayed– we certainly didn’t mean for it to happen. None of us knew that there was a limit to the amount of posts that one forum could hold, and once we figured it out, we packed our bags and moved to another forum a.s.a.p. We didn’t to see our old conversations, roleplays, stories or otherwise get deleted, nor do we want that to happen to other people’s posts. That’s why we’re politely asking the rest of the Webkinz Newz community to please comment on another forum. There are tons of other forums on here, most of which are a lot more active than this one…
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July 31, 2018 at 2:39 am #1388152
… and there are plenty of members on them who’d be more than happy to answer the questions posted by other members :) Again, I know we can’t stop anyone from posting something on here, but we’re just trying to protect what’s left on this forum. We’d hate to see many more old memories get deleted from the inter-webs. We don’t want to see that happen to anyone’s posts, as we realize that time and effort that are put into them. And of course, yes, there is more to life than commenting online, but as emi mentioned, our friends on here are very important to us. Being an incredibly awkward, shy, introverted girl who has been bullied numerous times in her past, it’s extremely hard for me to make friends in real life. On here, it’s different. Everyone’s so nice and accepting… and I’ve made a plethora of friends that I enjoy talking to every day! I hope this cleared things up– no hard feelings?
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July 31, 2018 at 9:02 am #1388314
Whoops, I meant to say “deleted”, not “delayed”, and “we didn’t want to see”, not “we didn’t to see.”
May 22, 2018 at 10:18 am #1362726
Webkinz is glitching today on both Today’s Activities and the Arcade, it throws you out when you try to access them both. It is failing to pick up on something and therefore crashing. Please could you fix it. It has been doing it since I first logged on over 8 hours ago. Also, please stop playing the Beko ad endlessly on my account, it is driving me mad, and I would never buy that brand anyway.
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May 22, 2018 at 10:18 am #1362724
cannot get into arcade and today’s activities.
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May 18, 2018 at 4:20 pm #1362550
The Log Jammer Ride in my room has been frozen forever; my pets can’t even sit on it. I want it fixed!
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May 15, 2018 at 10:26 am #1355312
There are so many Adds anymore they pop up all the time. . But the the worst thing is one of the Adds is for Feisty Pets they are these really cute stuffed animals that all of a sudden turn evil, like something out of a child’s night mare. I don’t think that is an appropriate Add to pop up on a site meant for kids who like stuffed pets. I realize a lot of your players are older , but not all. & we can turn off Adds but you need the acct.s to watch Adds for you to get income. So perhaps you should have someone screen the Adds before they get approved to be pop ups.
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