Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WEBKINZ ROCKER NAMES HELP!?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TheBeatlesPug 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86316


    <p>i need really good unique names fo webkinz rocker bulldog = boy cat = girl papillion = girl monkey = boy lion = boy cow = girl

    1. #613583

      Here\’s some names:

      Bulldog: Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Aerosmith
      Cat: Ke$ha, Paramore, Paparazzi, Spice Girl
      Papillion: (I\’ve never seen it so i don\’t know)
      Cow: Sweet Caroline, Cher
      Monkey: Wiz Kalifa, Adam Lambert
      Lion: Les Paul, Prince

      Okay hope you like them! P.S. If you don\’t know what some of these are, you can just ask me or look it up.

    2. #613500


      piesRcool wrote on 2012-06-07 at 09:46 AM

      For the cat I like Penelope. For the bulldog I like Spike or Scout. For the cow I like Paisley. I’m not sure about the others though. Hope this helps!

      I like blaze for a lion, or dog, victoria for the cow, and genivieve for the cat HOPE U LIKE MY NAMES

    3. #613072


      For the cat I like Penelope. For the bulldog I like Spike or Scout. For the cow I like Paisley. I’m not sure about the others though. Hope this helps!


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