What are you looking for (to trade) and what do you have…

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives What are you looking for (to trade) and what do you have…

This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  katz0423 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #664752

    Sorry if i sound rude but the following aren’t really rare.

    Highland kilt (rare)
    Groovy retro jeans (rare)
    Glass slippers (rare)
    Beautiful ball gown (rare)
    Cowgirl dress (rare)
    3 Bright spies trench coat (rare)
    2 Alpine hats (rare)
    Sweet dreams bathrobe (rare)
    Pink pony sparkle dress (rare?)

    Also I believe the Kitchen Towel Dispenser is not tradeable but i could be wrong.

    1. #664816


      ok… mine is katz0423
      Do you have anything i have that you are looking for?
      i will trade!

    2. #664814


      sorry ’bout that!!! I checked it out and you were right!
      Here i’ll upgrade the list:

      I am looking for:
      Sparkle’s tiara
      Pink Webkinz Hood
      Lilac Sparkle Party Dress
      Enchanted Ball Gown
      Delicate Swan Bed
      Webkinz Tiara

      I have:
      Highland Kilt
      Groovy Retro Jeans
      Glass Slippers
      Beautiful Ball Gown
      Cowgirl Dress
      3 Bright Spy’s Trench Coat
      2 Alpine Hats
      Sweet Dreams Bathrobe
      Pink Pony Sparkle Dress
      10%off Coupon
      30%off Coupon
      20%off Coupon
      25%off Coupon
      40%off Coupon
      Fancy coach Mega Bed (Superbed)
      Railway Dreams Bed (Superbed)
      Baseball Bed (Rare)
      Mangrove Treasure Trove (Specific Pet Items)
      Beautiful blush treadmill (Specific Pet Items)
      Dress Rehearsal Costume Rack
      Princess and the Pea Bed (superbed)
      Top of the Charts TV (Deluxe)
      Golden Hippo Fridge (Rare)
      3 Wishes Genie Lamp (Specific Pet Items)
      Sunflowers (Rare)
      Kitchen Towel Dispenser
      Blue Wacky Zingoz plush (Rare)
      2 Teen Queen Dresses
      Hedgy Hedgehog (Specific Pet Items)

    3. #664769


      i have the ball gown and much more add me craftykid99

    4. #664762


      i also have a Contessa Candle Wall sconce

    5. #664752

      Sorry if i sound rude but the following aren’t really rare.

      Highland kilt (rare)
      Groovy retro jeans (rare)
      Glass slippers (rare)
      Beautiful ball gown (rare)
      Cowgirl dress (rare)
      3 Bright spies trench coat (rare)
      2 Alpine hats (rare)
      Sweet dreams bathrobe (rare)
      Pink pony sparkle dress (rare?)

      Also I believe the Kitchen Towel Dispenser is not tradeable but i could be wrong.

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