What are you looking for (to trade) and what do you have…

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives What are you looking for (to trade) and what do you have…

This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  katz0423 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #664752

    Sorry if i sound rude but the following aren’t really rare.

    Highland kilt (rare)
    Groovy retro jeans (rare)
    Glass slippers (rare)
    Beautiful ball gown (rare)
    Cowgirl dress (rare)
    3 Bright spies trench coat (rare)
    2 Alpine hats (rare)
    Sweet dreams bathrobe (rare)
    Pink pony sparkle dress (rare?)

    Also I believe the Kitchen Towel Dispenser is not tradeable but i could be wrong.

    1. #665028

      katz0423 wrote on 2012-09-11 at 10:20 AM

      would it be ok if i traded one itemif it is good for anything… but 2 (ok stuff) for my items.
      If you can bookmark this page so i can keep in touch with you!

      Was this post to me??? If so, i don’t understand.

    2. #665014


      would it be ok if i traded one itemif it is good for anything… but 2 (ok stuff) for my items.
      If you can bookmark this page so i can keep in touch with you!

    3. #665013


      Sorry i don’t

    4. #665001

      Kind of interested in your Mangrove Treasure Trove. I might be able to get you a Sparkles Tiara for it!

    5. #664933

      does anyone have cat pants or sailor cap for trade?

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