What levels are you on?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives What levels are you on?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Elizabeh 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #800084


    What levels are you on in the Kinzville Academy? I’m on level 9 for Cooking and Agility, level 8 for Grooming, and level 5 for everything else! :D I can’t wait to get level 10 for Cooking and Grooming because then I will unlock two Arcade games!!! :D

    1. #806055


      Wellll, I’m on different levels with different pets, and pretty low (level 3) on new account, but basically almost done with level 5 on all classes on older account. Have been at last class of level 5 in all but Grooming and Intelligence, with one pet for 2 weeks. Trying to get the last 2 classes up there, (almost there!) so I can at least place in a large amateur beauty competition, before advancing. Have been on webkinz for a year now, but never really did much with class, until recently. Have trouble with the physical classes because my computer is really old and poor quality, and sometimes freezes and / or drops the net, so I sometimes fail, esp. speed. Grooming and creativity are my hard ones, because they are so hard to see properly! (small screen!) I like intelligence, but DO NOT like being timed! My pets like to jump on the bed, and I like to have them blow kisses! Soo cute! I’m impressed that you are so high, Lily; GOOD JOB! Good luck to EVERYONE!

    2. #804328


      helloprettypanda and KASSUZY, what are your favorite classes? Mine are Cooking, Grooming, and Agility. In a little bit over a month I will have FINALLY earned two new arcade games! Keep working on those classes! I’ve been working on the Kinzville Academy since April last year and I’m a lot closer to earning my diploma than I was then :D !!!! Does anyone else want to tell me what levels they’re on?

    3. #801083


      Omg u are high! I’m only on 5 on everything I alwase get in the top ten in amateur look for pinkie with KAS ok?

    4. #801081

      That’s amazing! I’m only on Level 5 for everything…which is kind of lame, but you see, I completely gave up on the academy a few months ago, but then I finally found the motivation to keep going towards that DIPLOMAAA last month. I’m working on it, but not too sure if I will get to any sort of diploma soon…hehe. :) ~Mel~

    5. #801046


      Yay! Now I’m on level 9 for Grooming!!!! What levels are you on????

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