What Pets Do You want To Come Out of Retirement

Home Forums Pets – Archives What Pets Do You want To Come Out of Retirement

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  WebkinzPlushLover 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #797910


    If I had the option for this I would choose both the Signature Golden Retriever and the Signature Timber Wolf :) I want them so bad xD What would you choose?

    1. #836542


      The CHINCHILLA! Please re-make the Chinchilla, Ganz! I want it so badly to come back! :(

    2. #835016

      i want all of them to come back! ~meemersandboo~

    3. #832847

      The signature arctic fox. And like you said, the signature timber wolf. I want them so bad! But I know that I will NEVER be able to get the timber wolf because it was 325 dollars! And my mom will never let me spend that much on a plush toy. And do you want to know something? We found one timber wolf that was 185 dollars. WITHOUT THE TAG. It really made me sad. I also have a bad feeling about the signature arctic fox. :(

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