What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #872863

      I might get the Signature German Shepherd for $54 and some names I have in mind are: Cooper, Duke, Chase, Luke, Troy. I’m getting the Signature Arctic Fox for Christmas and I’m naming it Luna. I also really like the names Prim, Angie, Dawn, Stella, Adalia, Talia, Rosetta, Martha, Harley, Colette, Mara, Trinity, Felicity, Karlee, Trisha, Marley, Lassie, Madison or Maddie, Paris, Lia :) BTW my youtube username is WebkinzWolfxo! Please sub me! Im close to 50 subs.

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      • #873363


        I say u name your Signature German Shepard Chase or Duke :)

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        • #873497

          Im naming it Duke ^^

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          • #873924


            Yay so glad congrats on getting an awesome Webkinz :)

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            • #874030

              Thanks! He is coming on Wednesday! Im so excited! I am doing an unboxing video on youtube :)

          • #873702


            I love the name Duke! But $54?? That’s a lot of money.

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            • #874351

              Yah :( But, I have spent $85 for my signature calico cat and $65 for my timber wolf and $45 for my aussie and cheetah and way way way more for other ones.

            • #874650


              Wow the Signatures I have are the Signature Chimpanzee, Signature Small Chimpanzee, Signature Border Terrier, and Signature Pug :) They each were 30 dollers but totally worth every penny :)

            • #1299970

              well, there are really rare…. i am planning on getting a signature deer or timber wolf or maybe a marble cat soon.

        • #967271


          chase is a great name

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          • #972064

            I named my American German Shepherd Chase.

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        • #967272


          chase , bob, muffens are all good names

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      • #875258


        $54 for a Signature?! It might be cheaper if you buy one online than wherever you get. A Signature really shouldn’t cost you more than $40(I always think of Lil Kinz at $10, normal Webkinz at $15-20, and Signatures at $20-30). Maybe you can buy one at amazon. Also, I think you should name the German Shepherd Duke or Troy.

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        • #875553

          Yah, but it is rare. It didn’t even come with a code. It was actually a great deal because there were 12 watchers on ebay for it. And I spent $65 on my timber wolf no code and $75 for my mountain dog (with code) and more. Btw I named it Duke and it came on Monday :)

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          • #876305


            Awesome I’m so glad u named him Duke! Duke just sounds like a great name for a German Shepard I don’t know why it just does ;) Congrats on getting your pet he sounds like he’s worth it :)

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            • #876555

              Yes! He is insanely cute! XD He is like my 4th favorite Webkinz Signature now out of my 28.

        • #893675


          i found a signature timber wolf for $1,000 once,of course i didn’t buy it though. WAY too much money!

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        • #980731

          AZMurrays, you can actually some of the older Lil Kinz and normal webkinz for pretty cheap at stores live Five Below and A.C. Moore. I even found clearence sigs at Marshels for $6!

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        • #2648224


          if only you knew how mucht they cost in 2025… lol

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      • #879252


        Wow, 54 bucks is a lot for a Webkinz, even if it is a signature! Guess what? I think I am going to buy a signature, the sig. squerrel, or the bear. I found an AWESOME deal on them at 5 Below, 3 to 5 doller signatures! 3 for regular webkinz! Great right?!?!?

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        • #879958


          That’s a gread deal prprprp :)

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        • #881510


          Hi prprprprp! I went to 5 Below to find Siggys, even my best friend said she’s seen them there. So we went to one (it was FAR away) and guess what we found? NO SIGGYS! :( We had even called to make sure they were there and the guy said yes. Turns out he made a mistake and was super sorry so he gave us 50% off of our entire purchase!!!! I got 2 webkinz, (lil’ kinz, regular) nail polish, frozen t-shirt, rainbow loom bands, and LOTS more!!!! In the end i was really happy i went but aso i little bummed there were no siggys. Maybe another store has some!

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          • #881520

            Mine sells Signatures. They have the chipmunk, chimpanzee, grey tabby, black bear, sea turtle, and persian cat :D I made a video about it on my youtube. webkinzwolfxo

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            • #881660


              Cool, @WebkinzWonderWebkinz, ours sells Chipmunk, Squirrel, Grey Tabby, Black Bear, and Sea Turtle. I don’t know which I’ll buy, only for 3 dollars!! :D Maybe the Squirrel and something else, want to wait and see if they have any sig. puppies though. <3 *love*

          • #881659


            That’s weird, @hollow79. There were at mine. Sorry. :( They should have been with the other webkinz.

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            • #881721

              They are only going to be selling small signatures. I bought the chimpanzee and the grey tabby cat from there (My 2nd grey tabby) XD

            • #905877


              It is kinda a lot…. But Yesterday I spent like $100 for my Signature Calico Cat, and like $75 for my German Short haired Pointer! Crazy prices huh?!!! xO getting to be kinda outta hand…

            • #956700


              @lavadragon where did you get them?

      • #1080219


        45 $

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      • #1105275

        I like the name Luke or Cooper. Rosey :)

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      • #2261387


        I think I would name it Luke

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      • #2508909



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      • #2558462


        Hehe I like the name chase coz I like paw patrol. That’s what I would go with

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      • #2603532


        omg Duke is a great name!

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    2. #872741


      Oh, I LOVE helping with pet names!!! I leave comments under every Kinzapedia Pets page with name suggestions! :) If anyone needs any pet names, please, come to me! I would love it, and I can come up with some pretty good ones if I do say so myself. :) I will give you names for every pet available if you ask! I love making up pet names! I almost made it my part of the Webkinz Newz bussiness! :)

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      • #873364


        Awesome ok prprprprp I’m getting the Webkinz Lady Bug at the E-store but I’m not sure what I should name HER :( Got any ideas? I mean what do u think is a name that would go with a ladybug? I’m not sure but you’re pretty good with names so I hope u can think of one :)

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        • #875200


          Oh, before I saw this, I answered you under your reply to kingdomheartsnerd. Just read that once it is done modifying, ok playnowpuppy?

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          • #876147


            Ok I read it thanks I love those names :)

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            • #876325


              You’re welcome! So glad I could help! :)

      • #873195


        I love naming pets too!! I especially love cute ones like Cece and Lulu :) ~Queen

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        • #874649


          Ohmygosh that’s a good name right there Cece and Lulu love those names :)

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          • #874909


            Aw thanks! Those cute short names are my fave! ~Queen

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          • #879519


            You gave me an idea !!!!!! i would love to name a webkinz Luiey

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            • #881658


              Queen did? :) Cool. I wanted to name a pet Louisa, but then my sister said: ‘Yeah, that’s good, if you really want to stick to the whole Louie thing’ because it was the pet from the video, and then I was not so sure if I wanted to name it that! lol! I haven’t bought it yet, thinking of buying though. :) I might still name it Louisa though.

            • #894779


              I like the names…. Annebelle, Lucy, Lilliana, Rachel, Destiny, Charly, Dominic, Kholton, Logan, Morgan, Bailey, Bree, Jasmine, Crystal, Diamond, Troy, Lee, Ace, ( and if you have a dark pet such as black…. name it Shadow), Riley, Adrian, Derek, Tony, and Brice.

    3. #872725


      I have 121, but I’ll just name my favorites! :D Spottedleaf is my Signature Bengal Cat, she is super important to me. I have Tanner, my lil’ Kinz chihuahua, which was my first Kinz’ ever! Smooch is my Signature Normandy Cow <3 Ocala is my Hawaiian Dolphin. Mosaic is my artsy white arabian horse, and Primrose is my Black Freisan. :D Those are just a few! ~SS and God Bless

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      • #873967


        I’m guessing you’ve read Warriors? Also, I love the name Ocala. :D

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        • #951131

          You had a Lil’ Kinz Chihuahua for your first pet???? ME TOO!!!!

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      • #873824


        Spottedleaf like the med cat? I have 12 webkinz! my first is Fuzzy (SOOO original) and then Dee (chickadee) and then I think Snow pearl (the seal) and then Cutie (the B&W cat). some more are blackberry (black bear) and diamond (lil’ kinz unicorn) and sweetie bell (rockerz cow) and Anistasia (the batik elephant) (yes, I know Anistasia was a russian princess and not Batik. i’m bad at naming my pets…) and lollipup (the patchy puppy) and some others

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        • #875393

          I used to have a black bear named Blackberry! (Great minds think alike!)

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          • #876643

            Same as my bear :O

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        • #876316


          anistasia is also the name of my real life pet cat popy380!

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        • #950003

          I love the name lollipup, so cute, especially for a lollipop puppy.

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      • #874634


        Ooh StealthStorm, I LOVE WARRIOR CATS!!! :D Actually that’s weird because I almost named my Signature Bengal SpottedLeaf, But I ended up making a list of warrior cat first/last part of names and chose Stormheart. I can’t wait for BRAMBLESTAR’S STORM!!! (COMING OUT AUGUST 26TH!!) I’ve been waiting, like, 2 years now?? At least 1 year and 8 months.. (Sorry do I keep changing subjects?? It’s late and I’m brainwashed, probably, first day of school XD!) Who is your favorite Warrior cat?? Have you read all of the books?? The other series (Seekers/Survivors)?? Which is your favorite of the Warrior Series???? *smiles* lol sorry I’ll stop ‘cat attacking’ you with questions… -FerretFriend

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        • #875503


          OH MY GOSH WARRIORS USED TO BE HUGE ON WEBKINZ NEWZ!! Back when Silverstar/Moonstar was on here, everyone had a clan and I don’t think there was single person on the site who hadn’t read ALL of those books!! Does anyone remember that?? And they would have clan meetings on old pages XD Ah good times, good times. ~Queen

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          • #876547

            I love Warriors so freaking much!

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            • #884064


              ME TOO!!!Warriors is my LIFE!!!2 of my pets are named after cats from the books,Silverstream(she’s beautiful!)and Squirreltail(okay,not an exact name,but I think you know who i’m talking about)!My username on Wkinz is Neoletiecq!!!Be my friend!You too,Stealthstorm!

          • #876874


            YES!!!! I was kinda Stealthtsorm but mainly MyWebkinzRok. I have so many accounts on here :D But I was always on those pages, I totally miss dear Moonstar :(

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            • #877456


              I was on those pages too but I never posted anything so I was like a spy or something XD Actually i tried to post but my comments never got posted (boooooo!) for some weird reason! ~Queen

          • #877514


            Yeah, but I hadn’t, and haven’t. Are they good, Queen?

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            • #877725


              I only read a couple and I thought they were a little bizarre because there was a lot of cat romance that I didn’t get. It had a pretty cool story though. I liked how they made cats seem like they could kick butt ha ha :) ~Queen (Genesis 1:1)

            • #878086


              ….Except for when a fierce dalmation is around. LOL! I don’t know if they had any cat/dog fights in that book, but I’m just saying, Dalmations are HUGE! :) LOL

            • #878157


              OMG I KNOW Dalmations are SO BIG!! I think there might have been some dog/cat fights but I think it was mostly Cat vs Cat (ha ha that should be a TV show!!). Weren’t there like magical cats or something?? I can’t remember. ~Queen (Jeremiah 29:11)

            • #878259


              Yeah, even though Dalmations are so big, I love them! I always wanted to adopt a baby dalmation puppy, and then live with it while it grew up! :) I love dalmations! They are my favorite kind of dog! :)

          • #968237

            I know this is old, but I have to respond, as I was on WKN as Northwestern at the time before having to go on long hiatus because of a family crisis. I remember those days, and while I was not one of the Warriors fans, a lot of those online, warriors fans or not, were good friends, Moonstar, Heatherstem, KrystalKat, LemonCandy, Starburst, sarahandlacey, BonJoviPug, and I can’t recall the exact names of all the others, but they were all awesome, and I definitely miss them all. Good times indeed.

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        • #876873


          Yay!!! Haha that is weird!!! But when I got her I totally thought of Spottedleaf. :) My favorite Warriors cat has to be BrambleStar when he was a warrior. I own and have read every single book! My favorite book of all time is…..*drumroll* THE LAST HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried so much in the book, I have been so attached to all the characters. :( I loved it!!!!!! Ahh Warriors are like amazing. They made me fall in love with cats. I like love cats. I had one for 13 years of my life, and we just put him down in June. ^..^< Meow! Stealthstorm

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          • #878637


            Aww!! That’s so sad! :( Bramblestar is probably my favorite cat, also! I didn’t know there used to be clans on webkinz news, I would have participated if I knew, lol.

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        • #887273

          Me to I love warrior cats soon i will get the next book

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      • #883988


        OMG!Do you read the Warriors series-It’s my favorite series of all time!I love the idea of naming a Webkinz after her!I named 2 of my pets after cats from the Warriors series.Their names are Silverstream(she’s silver!)and Squirreltail(okay,not directly named after a cat,but kind of after Squirrelflight.)The reason I named her that is because she is a Himalayan and her tail looks like a squirrel’s tail.Can you give me your username so I can friend you on Webkinz?Thanks!

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      • #907514

        wow thats alot i have about 27

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      • #2585746

        Warrior cats fan spotted?! And how do yall have so many webkinz, i just found mine like an hour ago in a bag-

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    4. #872717

      Often times I would name my animals after there personality or sweets :)

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      • #873365


        Awesome whistlewishes1 :)

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        • #879518


          PEOPLE ADD ME I AM……… sungirl123456789 so yeah oh and p.s i hate my username on webkinz!

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          • #893224


            You’re not alone I hate my username on webkinz too! I am kittysarah123 I made it it when I was 6 LOL

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            • #898948

              kinda dont like mine but eh who cares XD, im more embarrassed with my PETS names than mine cause i can change mine… wait, i CANT, right?

      • #896631


        thats what i do alot

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    5. #872597

      Let’s hear your pet names!!

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      • #872705

        My favorite names are Sydney, Lana, and Alexandria for the girls. And for the boys Adrian, Kellin, and Sora for the boys:) If anyone needs names however feel free to ask me:) I can come up with many unique and fitting names for your pet:)

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        • #873366


          Great I’m getting the Webkinz Lady Bug from the E-store but I don’t know what to name her! She’s a girl and I want an unique name for her :) got any ideas?

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          • #873879

            Hmmm… let’s see what kind of names i’ve got for you Playnowpuppy, How about Radiance, Rubia, Vanessa, Bloom, Madame Dotty, Speckles, Envy or Athena? Or perhaps you could try names like Adelise, Bianca, Jolie, or one of my favorites Alexandria.

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            • #874647


              Woah u are good I LOVE your names I like Vanessa and Madame Dotty and Speckles are my 3 faves :) I’ll have to decide but I have till my B-day to decide but I still wanted to know :) thanks so much u are a pro at naming animals I’ll have to ask u for names whenever I get a pet :)

          • #873821


            hmm… Ani? Pippa? Lia? IDK

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            • #874648


              I like those names too Pippa sounds the best of those 3 to me :) Love the other names too I named my Ice Fawn Leah :)

            • #875502


              Pippa like Kate Middleton’s sister!! Love it :D ~Queen

          • #875186


            Hi playnowpuppy, I love thinking up names for people! Here are my suggestions for your lady bug: Lady, Prim, Cutie, Spots, Sweetie, Elizabeth, Flower, Tiny, Fly, Flutter, Radiance, Smile, Gabriella, Ella, Madison, Emily, or Ruby. Hope that helps! Please tell me if you like these names, and especially if you choose one of them for your ladybug! :) If you don’t like them, I will write more, I’m sure I can think of some! :)

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            • #876145


              I love your names prprprp :) thanks a bunch :) I really like Elizabeth, Gabriella, and Ruby I’m getting this pet for my B-day but I wanted to think of names ealry :) Wow this is hard I don’t wich name to pick I’m sure I”ll decide I have plenty of time :)

            • #876324


              Yay! I’m glad you like them playnowpuppy! :D

            • #957774

              I have a pink iced penguin named Crystal

          • #880876


            My names are: korra, kandi, aura, lianna, jessie, vikki, nikki, twilight. :)

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          • #883999


            I like Lady.

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          • #887270

            You could name her Lilac, Lilly/Lilliana, Mistiq (Mist-eek), Lara, or Alexia.

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          • #888802

            @playnowpuppy hi I like the Names Cherry (StrawberryShortcake) and Ruby hope I helped @roseycheeks2002 byw :D

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          • #891816

            Name her Astrid!

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          • #914299


            Id say the names Vanessa, Ruby, and Dottie are good.

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          • #926039


            Here’s some: Lady Spot, Scarlett, Ruby, Magnifica (Part of the ladybug scientific name), Birdie, Spots, Lacey

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        • #878790


          Hey i was wondering if you could think of names for both my girl horses. pink pony and a rainbow pegasus any ideas thanks.

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          • #878838


            I posted this somewhere else, but I’ll put it here too just in case. Some Pink Pony names I think are cute are Shimmer, Trixie, Sherbet, Bubbles, Cascade, Starstruck or Tourmaline. As for your Rainbow Pegasus, Spectrum, Confetti, Sunrise, Cyclone, or Prism would fit very nicely. Hope you like them!

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          • #878932


            Hi @monster_high ! Here are some girl names for first, your pink pony: Pinky, Dazzle, Sparkle, Shimmer, Cotton Candy, Bubblegum, Jellybean, or Strawberry Jumble! Now for your girl Rainbow Pegasus: Rainbow, Airhead, Wing, Sally, Prism, Starburst, Grape, Emily, Skittle, or Ribbons. Hope I helped! And I hope you liked my names! If not, just tell me and I will post more for each. :)

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          • #909447


            the names of my favorite characters in my FAVORITE show are: Rikki, Emma, Cleo, and Isabella ( Bella for short. ) For boys ( from that show ) I like: Lewis, Zane, and Ash.

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            • #1220419

              H2O: Just Add Water? My sisters watch that show. Too bad Emma left and was basically replaced with Bella. Lewis is the best character.

          • #932176


            i named my pink pony Milli u should try that name

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        • #879517


          i saw the names you gave to playnowpuppy they were amazing i will ask you whenever i get a pet!

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          • #881657


            Wait, me, @Wolf11330? Or were you talking to someone else?

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            • #893174


              hi! does anyone have good names for a domino cat,goggles,or black poodle? i want them to be uniuqe. i really need help! BYE!

            • #893546


              Hi, TigerKinz! For your Googles, I recommend Jumbles, Doodle, Dipsy, Lackadaisy, or Puddles. For your Domino Cat, I like Chiaroscuro, Chromatisse, Arpeggio, Mittens, Trixie, or Pixel. Finally, for your Black Poodle, I suggest Eclair, Pirouette, Baguette, Gaston, Oregano, Powderpuff, Spritz, or Velvet. Hope you like these!

        • #882726


          I need help naming my geko please help!!!!!!!

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          • #882882


            Hi puppypower04, I see no one has answered yet, but I will now! :) Anyway, I don’t know which gender, so I will give names for both. Hope you like them: Geico, Gek, Gill, Toby, Lazy, Allison, Keeli, Elijah, Madison, Mikey, Melony, Vincen, or Matombo. Hope you like the names, if you didn’t please reply and I will think up more for you! :)

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            • #893175


              i think geico is a good name for him

          • #882925


            I need help to, with coming up with a name for a texting puppy and a pom pom kitty! please someone help come up with a name!!!-Allyisen7

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            • #883045


              Hi, allyisen! Congrats on your new pets. For your texting puppy, some cute names would be Lola, Acrostic, Tippi, Chell, or Jumbles. As for your Pom Pom Kitty, some adorable names are Piper, Sugarplum, Pawline, Speckles, Freckle, or Mittens. If you prefer more conventional names for your Pom Pom Kitty (although these could work for your Texting Puppy as well), then I like Lillian, Patty, Sierra, Shannon, or Tina. Hopefully, one of these names will work for you. :) Ciao!

            • #884060


              Hey Fracktail!! Thanks a bunch for the names! I named my texting puppy, Lola and for my pom pom kitty, i named her Sierra!!!!!!!!!! I love those names!!!!!! Do you have a webkinz account?- Allyisen7

            • #884090


              I’m glad you like them! I had a lot of fun coming up with them (especially the Texting Puppy!). And yes, I do! I’m pinkpigpigpig (no capitals, no spaces). My main Webkinz as of late is a Signature Timberwolf named Akela (who can easily be identified by his top hat and monocle). I haven’t been on recently though because of school and POKÉMON!! I got a game for my birthday and now I can’t stop playing it. (Yes I am a nerd and yes I am quite nuts :P)

            • #893176



            • #914302


              Texting puppy: Lol, Thx, Texter (instead of Dexter!),Chit Chat Pom Pom Kitty: Strawberry, Barbie, Sugar Plum, Alison, Sweetheart, Gina, Shortcake, Gabrielle, Smoothie.

            • #2369061


              i am hb1013 and am looking for friends!!!

          • #882926


            Hi, puppypower! Congrats on your new pet. :) I think that some unique and whimsical names to use are Flicker, Puck, Huckleberry, Cosmo, Spike, Flash, Jinx, Sparky, and Loki. If you prefer more conventional names, then Hunter, Fletcher, Milo, Melvin, Becky, Dexter, Spencer, Casper, Finn, Ashton, or Gloria fit rather nicely. I hope you like these! (Also, as a side note for prprprprp, I hope you don’t mind me adding more names to this thread! Just giving my two cents, haha.)

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          • #893673


            thanks fractail! i really like trixie for the domino cat

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            • #893926


              No problem! I’m glad I could help.

          • #914300


            Geico, Slimey, Big Eyes, and Garry should be good names.

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          • #924675


            How about Jo(e) or Zozo? Or Gekman?

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        • #898949

          ok, i need some ideas for a girl signature water dog. any ideas? im blank… >.<

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          • #914303


            Um, Im not even sure what a water dog is :(

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        • #907512

          i am getting a texting puppy and a rockerz cat they are sweet and nice and they are sisters :)

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        • #911296

          good names i love it thanks a lot for the help

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        • #948731

          Hello there, kingdomheartsnerd! I have recently gotten 4 webkinz: the signature bull terrier (I named him Spuds),the small signature Persian cat (named her Wind), the small signature grey tabby cat (named her Jade) and a signature Chow Chow! I was very happy to get them,but I can’t figure out a name for him (it is a boy) can you help me please?other people with Ideas are welcome to help too! thx

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      • #875322

        I have 33 webkinz so I have some creative names:) Boys names are Guppy, Jonathan, Dallas, Louie, Plattypuas, (Good for any googles.) Buzz, Rudalth, Ice burg, Charlie, Whiskers, Jack, King Kong, Wally, Reddy Fox, Po, Frankie, Pancake,(I named a black cat Pancake because I had a pet cat that loked like him!) Bubble, Cookie, Hoot, and Alvin. Now for the girls! Slimetta,(I know it sounds weird but she’s a tree frog.) Spookette, (Again weird but it’s a spooky MAZIN hamster.) Lilian, Mckenna, Cluck, Bella, Siamea,(Please don’t ask it’s a siamese cat.) Sassy,(Sassy skunk) Trixie,(She’s a rainbow hedgehog.) Croakette,(Bull frog) Melanie, Chloe, Huckle Berry,(blufadoodle) Oreo, Goldy Cat, and Chubby Cheeks (Signature chipmunk. It would be good for a normal chipmunk too) Hope these names helped you:D

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        • #878304


          I have 45 webkinz! And if anyone needs a name try some of these(I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM)!!!! Selena, Callie, Tamera, Ashley, Glitzy, Ruby Amber, Janna, Savannah, Annie, Nicole, Eileen, Margaret, Alana, Raven, Sapphire, Sabrina,… I can name some more if anyone needs help! Don not worry! I have the same problems to, trying to find a name for your pet! Well i hope these helped Ya! Feel free to ask me any questions! Have fun in webkinz world!

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      • #879794


        lily, fatso ( LOL), noel, ducky-mo-mo, ria, carson, onna, bella, cookie, arianna, snowball, ellie, gigi, francesca, virgina, paris, jessie, domino (pizza), roxy, rocky, rocko, tara, amelia, danny, don, pugsy, pixy, dusty, ginger, icecream, icey, chip, dj, pops, poppy, popcorn, addy, addison, iris, jello, rockster, whiskers, pompom, berry, bell, lidia…… thats all i got oh and lucy sorry if i dont do good im new!

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      • #884831


        These are all my pets: Ninja [Signature Jaguar], Tiki [Tropical Island Pup], Barry [Barred Owl], Flame [Chinese Dragon], Rainbow [Pucker Fish], Lightning [Stormy Dragon], Storm [Grey Arabian Horse], Stardust [Flutter Pig], Tenzen [Signature Red Panda], Robin [Lil' Kinz Chickadee], Sugarberry [Lemon Lime Gecko], Bandit [Iguana], Atlantis [Aloha Dolphin], Pacific [Lionfish], Splash [Signature Small Turtle], Spyro [Signature Harp Seal], Shimmer [Pink Pony], April [Lil' Kinz Lamb], Springflower [Canary], Penny [Donkey Pinata], Magic [Enchanted Elephant], Silver [Velvety Elephant], Riprap [Lil' Kinz Tomato Clown Fish], Ruby [Himalayan Cat], Candy [Candy Googles], Gumbo [Pelican], Shadow [Lil' Kinz Golden Retriever], Jake [Signature Yellow Lab], Kaijay [Lollipop Pup], Topaz [Patchy Puppy], Peridot [Lucky Dino], Cloud [Signature Ocelot], Jingo [Lil' Kinz Black and White Cat], Skyfeather [Lil' Kinz Yorkie], Breeze [Majestic Tiger], Freeze [Polar Bear], Jackhammer [Rabbit], Toklo [Signature Brown Bear], Zayn [Rainbow Hedgehog], Jade [Rockerz Fox], Glory [Rainbow Pegasus], Sunny [Chihuahua], Cinnamon [Mazin' Hamster], Sparkle [Mazin' Hamster], Saka [Caramel Lion], Jungle [Lion], Thunder [Leopard], Comet [Reindeer], Lily [Lil' Kinz Pug], Firaki [Froo Froo Fox], Lucky [Butterscotch Retriever], Wishbone [Jack Russel Terrier], Clover [Clover Cat], Rainsky [Bengal Tiger], Cinderblaze [Charcoal Cat], Milkyway [Cow], Arctic [Seal], Max [Schnauzer], Copper [some kind of dog] , Mist [Hippo], and Snowstar [White Poodle].

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      • #887272

        I have some Webkinz names: Angel Snowflake Sapphire James Travis Rechae/Reshae Midnight Scarlet I used ALL these names You are free to use them! ;D

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      • #888589

        for a girl brook for a boy petey for any gender hoppy bamboo or hoot

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      • #889098


        i love the names Artemis Calypso for girls

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      • #890039


        Well, my personal pet names for my 5 pets are: Pinkie, a girl, Pink Poodle Penelope, a girl, American Golden Thor, a boy, a Lil’ Chihuahua LuLu, a girl, a Golden Retriever and KayKay, a girl, a Carrots Bunny So if you like any of these names, feel free to use them! But before I go, here are some other names I like that you might like: For girls, Annabeth Piper Silena Rue Adele Payton Calypso Reyna Nala Marina For boys, Perseus Leo Nico Jerry Spencer Brody Rowley Baymax Four Peeta I hope these names helped you at all. If they did, please reply or if you have any other names you like, I would really like to know, so please leave a reply! And remember, RISK IT FOR A BISCUIT!!! :D

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      • #890042


        Sup my peeps of Webkinz World!…. or…. the community… ANYWAYS!!! I got some names of my own over here too, but if you don’t care about them, it’s perfectly fine. Alright, enough of this talking… let’s start off with MY own pet names. So my first pet is a girl Pink Poodle: Pinkie. For a boy pink poodle ( I don’t know why you would have a BOY pink poodle ), I would have to go for… Samuel or Mr. Fancypants, LOL. Then there’s a girl American Golden: Penelope. For the boy gender, I would name it Jacob or Elvis… I dunno… then there’s a boy Lil’ Chihuahua: Thor ( so ironic ;D ) For a girl I guess you could name it Teacup or Precious Ella. Then I have a girl Golden Retriever: LuLu ( my 5 year old sister picked it since it was originally hers ) For a boy Golden Retriever, I would name it Apollo or Zeus… ;) Then I have a Carrots Bunny named KayKay. For a boy I would name it Bugs or Hoppy! Now for more of my fave names! Girls: Netty, Sqaishey (especially for a duck) Annabeth, Piper, Rue, Calypso, Silena, Artemis, Thalia, Josephina, Cadence, Aurora, Adeline, Phoebe, Kyrah, Kyla, Myla Ruth, Roxanne, Sandy, Paige, Tess….. Boys: Perseus, Leo, Nico, Baymax, Jerry, Spencer, Brody, Emmett, Mr. Tibbs, Tyson, Connor & Travis (if twins), Rowley, Ender, Trent or Trenton, Finn, Dave, Stampy, Slippery Fellow (for a fish or any other underwater animal) and Kane. If you liked any of them, tag me in a reply. And if you have any of your own, I would love to hear them so leave that in a reply as well! RISK IT FOR A BISCUIT!!

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      • #893662


        I named some of my animals Oscar, Anna, Brianna, Grace, Bella, Kayla, and Jackson. My favorites are Oscar, Brianna, Anna, and Grace.

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        • #894778


          My name is Anna! But I don’t like my name….. I like the name Annabelle.

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      • #895601



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      • #898947

        so, i want to see if cashmere or velvet would be good for a chinchilla. please reply for any answers!

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        • #907513

          wait in littlest pet shop had twin chinchillas so are you copying?

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      • #900761


        how about glinda like from the wizerd of oz :)

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      • #934843

        LaVoka, Tybreisha, Ja’aje, La-a, Lamonjello, Sha’Quo’Ya, Kashondria, Shikinta, Ke’branna, Jay’lek, Fonta’Meish, Uniqua, Bon’Tiesha. These are some cool names for your webkinz!

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      • #949994

        Hi. My pet’s names are Emily the pug, Golden the butterscotch retriever, Fluff the chihuahua, Puggy the lil’kinz pug, Fudge the lil’kinz bulldog, Icicle the white Googles, Rudolph the reindeer, Spot the Jack Russell, Chubs the hippo, Peanut the elephant, Big Pork (Bork for short), Beardo the Schnauzer, Cookie the puggle puppy, Orkie the orca whale, Chip the teacup yorkie, Caramel the bulldog puppy, Poofy the white poodle, Chloe the lil’kinz chihuahua, Winnie the decade dragon, Smore the pinto horse, and Spike the Mohawk puppy. Can I work here? I have plenty of names.

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        • #952762

          Sorry, I forgot to say that Big Pork is a pig. I also forgot Sploosh the lil’kinz googles. I do have plenty of names. In fact, I made a whole list of webkinz pets that I want and what I want to name them.

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      • #958117


        Ok, get ready. They are: Chip, Lexi, Pupster, Sherbet, Swirl, Kace, Sreddy, Humter, Peanut Nubber, Billy-Joe-Jo-e-McJoey, Sergeant Stubby, Roxy Ralph, Webby, Rainbow, Mitsy, Bounser, Camo, Dachie, Cookie, Westurn, Fluff-ball, Black star, Hugs, Kisses, Blubber, Robin, Lucky, Bubbles, Waddles, Flower Girl, Ellie, ellot, jr. midnight, gold, zonkey, pretty, nikki, Donkey- Kong, hotty, minnie, stankey, princess, foo-foo, midnight pinkie, happy, Haily . WOO! THAT TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE!!!

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      • #958283


        My favorite names are, Cinnamon, Evelyn, Winter, Taylor, Bailey

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