What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #874457

      Well i have over 20 webkinz! GIRLS: Princess(pink poodle) Creamcicle( Lil kinz G&W cat) Megan(Skunk) Sahppire(koala) Isabella(peace puppy) May(pixi the mazin hamster) Bridgette(Lil kinz black poodle) Cara(shynazer) Sugar(lil kinz googlez) Marshmallow(lil king rabbit) Honey(lioness) Ester(Rabbit) Bunny(pug) Chocolate(lil kinz horse) Oreo(B&W cheeky dog) Cookie(siamese) BOYS: Razeil(tiger snake) Freddy(lil kinz bull frog) Knight(grey arabian) Sampson(mountain goat) MotoMoto(lil kinz hippo) Simba(lion) Sage(bengal tiger)

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      • #875111


        I love the name Razeil! Does it mean something or did you just make it up? Great names :) ~Queen

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      • #875207


        I have over 20 too, 450hungergames! And I would have about 500 if my mom said yes every time I asked for a webkinz!! LOL! :D

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    2. #873759


      Hmm I would have to say Jigger it reminds me of a dog that passed a couple of years ago :(

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    3. #873825


      I can help you name their pets if you ask (but i’m not very good)

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    4. #873194


      I have a bunch of Webkinz so this might take awhile ha ha ;) I’ll start with my pets on my free account since I only have two: Vanessa (Arabian Horse) and London (the dog that comes with a free account). And onto my regular account, I have Carly (Lil Kinz Clydesdale horse), Audrey (Pom Pom Kitty), Jamie (Pink Pony), Angelica (Golden Pegasus), Doodle (Lil Kinz Poodle), Taffy (Sweetie Hamster), Dawn (Small Signature Golden Retriever), Emily (Pinto Horse), Little Ann (Husky), Gretel (White Terrier), Melody (Charcoal Cat), Manda (Hopping Bunny), Bella (Velvety Elephant), Snickerdoodle (Lil Kinz Golden Retriever), Houdina (Presto Hamster), and Sam (King Charles Spaniel). So altogether I have 18 Webkinz/Lil Kinz/Mazin Hamsters! The only names I don’t like that I picked are Houdina (ugh what was I thinking??) and Sam is ok but it’s not my favorite. I wish you could rename your webkinz but I guess you wouldn’t do that to a real pet. I really love names that are Hawaiian because they remind me of the ocean :) What about y’all? ~Queen

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      • #873925


        I love your names Queen they are great I would tell u the names of all my pet’s except I have 90 somehting pet’s so that might take a while!!!!

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        • #874910


          I would love to hear some of your names! I’m obsessed with finding the perfect name for everything- for example USERNAMES take me FOREVER to think of because I want it to be perfect!! ~Queen

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          • #875203


            Same with me, Queen! LOL! :)

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            • #875518


              Usernames are the bane of my online life XD ~Queen

          • #876778


            Well sure I’ll tell a few of my fave pet names, GIRL NAMES: Lillian, Shimmer, Princess, Fluffy, Victoria, Gennelle, Sophie, Julianna, Jessica, Jaylen, Luna, Tina, Mellanie, Savannah, Madison, Goldie, Josie, and many more :) For boys some good ones are, Buddy, Liam, Alex, Sparky, Dash, Flash, Chase, Cooper, James, Jake, Jack, Zack, Adam, Lucky, Pretzal, Erick, Daniel, and many more :)

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            • #877727


              Liam is like my favorite boy name!! ~Queen (Genesis 1:1)

            • #894110

              My black leopard is named shimmer!

    5. #872885


      Pet names.: Dylan, Max, Peter, Elsa, Anna, Leah.

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      • #873926


        I have a Webkinz named Max and one named Leah :)

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        • #875735


          I traded with your pet named Leah, playnowpuppy! Remember! :) I was Honey Bun the Holland Lop Bunny! :)

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          • #876774


            Yes I do remember Your bunny is so cute :)

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            • #878087


              Thanks playnowpuppy, I got her one Easter from my grandmother. She lives in a whole different state, and far way away, and she sent a package filled with presents for us all. :) It’s my firm belief that she will continue sending us presents until we are married and have grandchildren of our own! LOL! xD :) JK. :)

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