What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #875261

      I have lots of pets so I am glad to share some their names:) Girl Rainbow Hedgehog=Trixie Boy Lil Kinz Black and White Cat=Frankie Girl Siamese Cat=Siamea Girl Tree Frog=Slimetta Boy Tree Frog=Wally Girl Pink Pony=Mckenna Boy Bull Frog=Buzz Girl Bull Frog=Croakette Girl Sassy Skunk=Sassy Boy Pucker Fish=Guppy Boy Lil Kinz Golden Retriever=Jonathan Girl Spooky MAZIN Hamster=Spookette Girl Brown Dog=Lilian Boy Boston Terrier=Dallas Girl Chicken=Cluck Girl Persian Cat=Bella Boy Lil Kinz Googles=Platypuas Boy Raindeer=Rudalth Boy Polar Bear=Ice Berg Boy Koala=Charlie Boy Cat=Whiskers (You start with a cat.) Boy Gorilla=King Kong. I will post more names tomorow! Hope you liked them:D

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      • #876942

        Sorry I did so bad at that other post. I promise I will make a better one latter! Sorry again!

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    2. #875359

      Someday I want to get a signature husky. What are some good boy names for them? It would be great if someone could think of some :D

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      • #875639


        Hey There, CatLoverLilah!! That would be so awesome if you could get a signature husky, they are so adorable!! Here are some possible names for him: Avalanche, Boreas, Fallen Snow, SnowDrift, Flurry, Yukon, Snowsong, Klondike, Polaris, Dainin (Means Endurance), Ethaneal (Means Endurance), hmm If I think of more I’ll be sure to tell you!! Hope this helped. ;) -FerretFriend

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        • #876934

          Ok all of you had good names but my favorite from you ferretfriend is Avalanche! Thanks for all the other names too!

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          • #878100


            I thought of that name! LOL!

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      • #875865

        Oh I can help :) let’s see… Siberia, Terra, Kota Taro, Dakota, Denali, Sasha and Buck are great names:) winter names like Frostiness, Icee, Sledder, Crystal, and Flurry are great too :) a few random names I’ll suggest are Anabelle, Jacquelyn, Mitchell, Derrick and Quinn.

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        • #876938

          You had some good names too but my favorite from you is Flurry! Thanks :)

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      • #876327


        Hi CatLoverLilah, here are some boy names: Winter, Toby, Elijah, Max, Snowy, Fluffy, Us, Jake, Manny, Loyal, Strong, Bark, or Noah. Hope you liked them! If you didn’t and want more, please reply and tell me, and I will post more! :)

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        • #876941

          And again thanks for the great names! My favorite from you is Jake! So now I have three names I like (Jake, Flurry, and Avalanche.) Thanks to everyone who helped!

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          • #878101


            You’re welcome! :) Glad I was helpful! :)

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    3. #875321

      I have a copple names for a brown dog!how about choclate, trufles,or brownie?

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    4. #874576


      Hi everyone! I love helping to name pets! I am also pretty good if i do say so myself. If you need any please ask! I have two really pretty winter names i made up but haven’t named any of my pets these names yet. If you want to use them please ask first cause they are so pretty and i made them up myself, they are Wintrissa and Winterlynn. My most recent webkinz that i got was the LOVE PUPPY! i named her Angel. I have many pets and many names but some of my favorites are: Peaches (Enchanted Elephant) Anastasia (Swirly Curl Unicorn) Ginger (Sig. Timber Wolf) Shira (Sig. White Begal Tiger) Poppy (Lollipop Pup) Angela (Ginger Cat) Tardar Sauce (Grumpy Cat) Kai (Chinese Dragon) And a few others! thanks! hollow79~

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      • #875100


        Oh, you have a timber wolf?? I’ve always wanted one of those, ever since it came out! But it’s a bit expensive for me… :(

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        • #875633


          Yeah ferretfriend. I got it when it came out so only for 25$ i think. Man those were the days when they had those old signatures in stores. The TImber Wolf is my oldest. I really want the calico with the code but they are SO much money! Me and my cousin found a good deal on that love puppy. Only 41$ on Ebay with code! me and her both got one!

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          • #875770


            Wow.. I really wish I’d gotten signatures when they first came out… Xd That is soo cool you have a timber wolf!! Yeah.. Calico cats are a lot now. Whoa.. $40 for a love puppy?! That’s so awesome!! -FerretFriend

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          • #876326


            Yeah, I miss when they had the signatures in stores. i never got to get one, and they are my favorite! :( But I have a lot of non-signature webkinz pets that I love anyway! :)

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            • #881661


              Yay, I found three dollar sigs. at 5 below! Going to buy one soon!! :D

            • #881744

              $3?? Mine are $5 at 5 below! Wow! I really miss signatures in stores. In my Hallmark, they have like 2 signatures which I have both of them but they are only $7.50 but they have the arctic hare and the asian elephant. But I thanked god for the fact that 5 below sells them now! Yay! >.< Sooooo happy! Now I have 31 signatures. 31 is a bad number lol.

            • #882943


              I have been wanting signatures for years, I am surprised I don’t have any yet! lol. Maybe I was wrong about the prices, if so, I might not buy, I found a deal at hallmark for one dollar more for 3 webkinz, but then they are not siggys, so I might just go with 5 belows. That is weird though, I found a small signature chipmunk that I want to purchase and it was in with the 3 dollar webkinz…a signature black bear, grey tabby and sea turtle thing were in 5, but the chipmunk was in 3. Lucky I like want the chipmunk most! lol! But it might have been placed there by a costumer and was not really that price. I had thought they were three to five dollars, but maybe they are just 5 dollars! :) And that is awesome that there are two sigs at your Hallmark, mine only has regular, and none of the newer ones, mostly older ones, you know, the ones where you can see clearly where each thread was placed and they were all stringy. XD lol. I own a lot of those now because of the sale. Anyway, I had wanted the sig. arctic hare, too bad my Hallmark doesn’t sell it. :/ But it’s great yours does! :D And wow, 31 signatures, all from 5 below for 5 bucks? That means you spent 155 dollars on them! Hehe…I spent over 200 on my pets…lol.

        • #881745

          Ikr! Aren’t the prices INSANE! $400 for a dang plush! Mine was $65 and it had no code!

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    5. #874631


      Hi!! I’m thinking about adopting an aquarius retriever from the eStore. I’m usually pretty good with names but my mind is blanking xp! I’m thinking I might name him Percy, though… Does anyone have any ideas?? It would be a boy. Thanks if you can help!! -FerretFriend

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      • #875294

        Some names for you :) Aquarious, aqueous, Hydro, and Titan are some nice watery sounding names :) but you can always go traditional like Alexander, Devin, Taylor or Desmond. Another cool name might be something more gemstone related like Zircon, Diamond, Aquamarine or maybe even Turquoise is nice. Try to get creative I’m always here to help! :)

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      • #875211


        Hi ferretfriend, I love thinking up names for people! I hope you like my ideas enough to name your aquarius retriever one of them! :) Here are my names: Aqua, River, Wave, Splash, Toby, Bill, Max, Dylan, Diego, Fishy, Mr. Splash, or High Seas. If you don’t like any of those names, then please tell me, and I will post more! :)

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        • #875640


          Thanks Kingdomheartsnerd and prprprprp!! I will DEFINITELY keep your names in mind! ;) -FerretFriend

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          • #875736


            You’re welcome! Oh and, I just thought of another one: Titanic! :)

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            • #877026


              Thanks everyone for the names :) I got him on Labor day and named him Percy. ;) He is soooooo cute!! -FerretFriend

            • #878158


              @ferretfriend did you name him after Percy Jackson?? I love those books!!!! ~Queen (Jeremiah 29:11)

      • #876982

        Hey Ferretfriend :smile: you could name him Tyson, or even Jennis (American for Wild Wave) Or Kainalu (Hawaiian for Sea Wave) Lahar (Indian for Wave) Hope i’m helpful. :smile:Ilovefoxes

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