What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #876899


      I have lots of Signatures, I will tell you a awesome story on how i got my Sig White Bengal Tiger, i named her Shira. We were at the store and a corner of the tag was ripped off, and it was 50% off! So the code worked and i bought it for like 12.50$ instead of 25$!!!! More of my Signatures are the Bengal Cat ~ India, Sig Husky ~ Silvia, Artic Fox ~ Holly, Sig Dutch Bunny ~ Christin, Sig Lion ~ Savannah, Sig Deer ~ Faline, Sig Lab ~ April. I also have some small signatures! Small Sig Cat ~ Mittens, Small Sig Retriever ~ Honey, Small Sig Beagle ~ Elle. I have others too!

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    2. #876868


      I need help naming my Signature Yellow Labrador Retriever, it’s a girl, I need names before September 3rd, 2014. PLEASE HELP ME!!! – TreeFrog02.

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      • #877330

        Don’t worry I’m here to help!:) Great girl names are Honey, Madison, Sunny, Nilla, Kylie, Gina, and Leslie:) Boy names that work are Jake, Ollie, Payton, Desmond, and Kyle:) other random names are Cupcake, Velvetine, Nutmeg, and Coriander:)

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      • #878107


        Hi @TreeFrog02, here are some names for your girl Sig. Yellow Labrador Retriever: Honey, Smiles, Sunshine, Kylie, Lisa, Jade, Maddie, Caramel, Rosebud, Vanessa, Karen, Emily, Muffin Top, Sonny, or Daisy. Hope you like ‘em! :) Please reply if you don’t like these and want different ones. :)

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        • #878112


          Oh, I forgot, Lilly and Cece are good names for the dog too! :)

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      • #878167


        How about Elsie, Meredith, China, Avia, Kylie, Kyrie, Myla, Gwen, North, Emory, Savannah, Francesca, Zoe, Lyric, Fleur- (obviously I love out of the ordinary names!)- Rivers, or Sienna? I have more if you would like more traditional names or would just like more crazy names :) ~Queen (Jeremiah 29:11)

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    3. #876771

      I’m getting a Quirky Unicorn does anyone have good names for one?

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      • #877328

        For your unicorn… Amethyst, Starlight, Mystic, Moonstone, Rarity, and Violet are great names:) For some more classic name ideas I’ve got Melanie, Jaden, Tasha, Josephine, and Tiffany! Also a few random names I’ve got are Pixi, Lanie, Blue Velvet, Crystaline, and Jasmine.

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      • #878105


        Hi Fluttershy736, I have some name suggestions! Tell me if you like them and I hope I am helpful (I’m a assuming it’s gonna be a girl, but if not, I will include some boy names as well) Quirky, Emily, Carnival, Conga, Jasmine, Micheal, Mitchie, Pixie, Jorden, Grapes, Petunia, or Daisy. Hope I helped! :) Please reply if you don’t like them, I will post some more! :)

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      • #878159


        How about India, Ingrid, Hannah, Samantha, Cali, Sage, Esmé, Vivianna, Suri, Quinn, Mattea, or Isla? I went for more quirky names since it’s a Quirky Unicorn ha ha! I love naming pets! Let me know if you would like more! ~Queen (Jeremiah 29:11)

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    4. #876078

      Today I’m gonna share what names go with what pet! Guppy (Pucker fish) Slimetta (Tree frog) Jonathan (Lil kinz golden retriever) Spookette (Spooky MAZIN hamster) Lilian (Brown dog) Dallas (Boston Terrier) Louie (Schnauzer) Mckenna (Pink pony) Cluck (Chicken) Bella (Persian cat) Plattypus (Lil kinz googles) Siamea (Siamese cat) Buzz (Bull frog) Rudalth (Reindeer) Ice Burg (Polar bear) Charlie (Koala) Sassy (Sassy skunk) Whiskers (Cat you can get for free when you create your account) Trixie (Rainbow hedgehog) Sorry I’m running out of time I’ll post the rest as soon as I can. (on THIS post) Thanks for reading! If you did read it :)

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      • #876776

        A GOOGLES IS NOT A PLATYPUS!!!!! I named my pets these: Cake the Cat, Giggle the Lil’ Kinz Googles, Terry the Boston Terrier, Cuddles the Blonde Cockapoo, Lady the Lady Ostrich, Peanut the Velvety Elephant, and Jack the Orangutan. Does anyone like my names?

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    5. #875798


      For a sig white tiger i would name her Midnight,

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