What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

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    1. #943951


      Peyton is perfect! As for the wild dog, I like Maya, Chad, and Kenya. God bless, Silvermist03

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      • #944083


        thanks silvermist! glad i could help!

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        • #944686

          I think I’ve decided to name my African Wild Dog Hadron:) it’s a physics term for an elementary partivle that interacts strongly with other particles! Since African Wild dogs tend to work together and are pretty tight knit I thought this was a good name:)

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    2. #943762


      Hi! I’ve been busy but i finally decided to name my froo froo fox Peyton! For the African Wild Dog – Trailblazer, Africa, Asia, Brazil, Madagascar, Chile, Alamo, Maya, Mayan, Ancient Ruins, Rune, Chad, Kenya, Columbia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Zena, Try looking on a globe for cool South African, Asian and African country names. That’s where i found most of these.

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    3. #943535


      Hi everyone! My brothers and sister don’t log on to webkinz much, so they don’t have that many friends and when they do challenges or building kits, that’s really hard. So I was wondering if any of you would send a friend request to them. Their un’s are Adog705 Ninjakai07 and barbierainbow10 Thank y’all sooo much, we all really appreciate this. God bless, Silvermsit03

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    4. #942929


      Hi. I have a question, which is rather subjective. Which plush is nicer: Siginature Asian Elephant or the SIgnature Hippo? I am torn between the signature asian elephant and the signature hippopotamus. I think both plushies are beautiful, but I have never seen them in real life so all I have seen are promotional images. I kind of prefer the hippo’s virtual pet form over the elephant’s. If the world were perfect, I’d get both, but that might not happen. :( If I get the hippo, I’d like to name her Lolabrigitta, which is a combo of the names of two beautiful actresses; but if I get the elephant I am still not sure about what to name her. I was thinking Alicia, Eden or a combo of both but I have not decided, yet. Thanks for reading this, and for any suggestions.

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      • #943169

        Well I would get whichever one you feel you would have the most fun with:) both are made of relatively the same material and very pretty at that:) they aren’t really very plush though because they are stiffer and meant to stand up so if you are a cuddler like I am I would recommend the hippo because of its shorter legs. It also seems you have a preference towards the hippo just based on what you’ve said:) but go with whichever you prefer!

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        • #943216


          Thank you for the reply there, kingdomheartsnerd. :) Yeah- I think I got a little carried away with how I described the plushies, but they seemed to be made of similar materials based on the images I’ve seen, and I like my plushies to be different from each other. The signature hippo’s virtual looks kind of like a chubby puppy, though, so I find it a tad cuter than the elephant. It’s good to know the hippo is a little more cuddly, too. When I can get my next webkin, I am going to buy the hippo. Yay!

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          • #943325

            No problem I’m glad I could help you! And I think you’ll be happiest with the hippo:) I hope you get it soon and enjoy her very much:)

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    5. #942433

      Thanks so much for the help:) hopefully a name sticks soon:) really excited for this one:)

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