What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #958266


      I need a name for a Polka Back Fish and the new Harvest Owl, both are girls, thanks! :)

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      • #958282

        Congrats on your pets! I LOVE the harvest owl! For the harvest owl I would say :Pumpkin spice, Cinnamon, Autumn, or Apple cider. For the polkadot black fish I would name it Dots, Speckles, Skittles, or Bubbles. Just random names haha

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    2. #958197

      What should I name my who la la owl? I still need to adopt her

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      • #958237


        That owl is cute! Maybe a name like Flutter, Poshmina, Blushy, Silky, Babydoll, Starlet, Cheery, or Lalabelle.

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        • #958275

          Those names are so cute thanks! It is so hard to pick! Lalabelle is super cute!

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        • #959611


          My little sister has a whoo-la-la owl. She named it Pia, which is her nickname, and latin for ” loving”. There is a cute story behind how she got that nickname. I love all you names for it. I don’t get Poshmina, but I think the others are cute! :) God bless, Silvermist

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      • #958258


        Thanks for all the great names! Try naming your pet Gigi, Jenny, Sephora, or Mackenzie. Hope this helps!

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        • #958276

          Those are cute too! Thanks you!!! This is a hard decision!

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      • #961697


        Hey! Hopefully you see this reply ;P I would name her Paris! ☺Yeah, you probably already adopted her.. Whoopsies. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Well, maybe you’ll see this.

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    3. #958038


      I just got a Persian Cat! Got any names

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      • #958198

        LaffyTaffy I would name it fluffy like the cat on rugrats. I named mine Angel a long time ago though. Maybe Fuzzball, Vanilla, Chloe, Snowball, Whiskers,

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    4. #958006

      Ooooh! I just got one too:) I named him cranberry! How about Cobbler, Chickpea, Stuffing, Gravy, Cinnamon Spice, Pumpkin Latte, Tyler, Mr.Gobbles, or Danny?

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      • #958013

        I’m going to go with Cob, like Corn Cob or like a shortened version of Cobbler <:

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    5. #957912

      I got a Webkinz Gobbler Turkey recently, He’s a boy any good names for him?

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      • #961698


        Hello @Coconutwishes! I would name your Gobbler Turkey, Sir Featherbottom (Ha.) But I really like Trots! Like the turkey Trot, XD You also could name him, Drumstick, McTurkey, Tater, Henry, Butterball, Tom, or Gobble. Gosh, Turkey names are difficult to come up with!

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