What should some new webkinz be.

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives What should some new webkinz be.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  migrubbs 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #689726


    Ok if there is a webkinz you think ganz should bring back or make say it here, and say if you like my idea. Now I am going for real animals not stuff like a pruple zebra like a real type of bird or something i want them to make a quetzal it is a type of bird and it is very beautiful.

    1. #767341


      I forgot to add Bright Eyes Rooster’s symbol: a red and white alarm clock .

    2. #766089


      I was think of Whizzer Wasp from my Twinkle Eyed Animals: pink colored with dark purple, blue, dark green, and aqua stripes. She has blue eyes. Her symbol is five pink propeller beanies with dark purple fans and stripes. PSI: Beanie Hat Hive. PSF: Swirling Honey Smoothie.
      Or maybe Bright Eyes Rooster from my Twinkle Eyed Animals: ashy-blue feathers with pink eyes and wings striped white, light yellow, orange-red, and red. PSI: Rooster Alarm Clock
      PSF: Country Birdseed Biscuits.

    3. #700924

      I think they should make a Buff Laced Polish Rooster. And yes it is a real type of bird. It’s yellowish whitish and it has feathers hanging over its eyes. The reason I think They should make one is because we have chickens and I used to have one. He was really cute!

    4. #700667


      they should make a Meercat, Bichon Frise, and/or a brown tabby cat

    5. #699953

      I want more cats!

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