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This topic contains 189 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by 118Potter118 12 years ago.
July 31, 2012 at 8:07 pm #88466
<p>That’s right, it’s TRADING TIME! I have the Greasy Grill and Mega Stove. If you have something to trade for these RARE items or you just want to trade with other members, post a list of items you want to trade and what you want for them. HAPPY TRADING!
August 3, 2012 at 8:14 am #642450
DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:45 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:33 PM
DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-02 at 10:57 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 06:21 PM
DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-02 at 04:09 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 12:36 PM
DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-01 at 08:47 PM
Hi guys! Does anybody have…
Neo Gothic Bed
Neo Gothic Couches x2
Neo Gothic Coffee Table
If you do, LMK. :)Eggs :)
Hi there! How are you? Hey are you deluxe? Did you get the new neo-gothic dress….it is sooo pretty!!! I got one for all 3 deluxe accounts LOL anyway Im sorry I didnt get a chance to post sooner. I had a super strength migraine last night :( The last time the couches were in the curio shop, I bought extras thinking another friend might miss them….well, she didnt LOL so now I have a few extras on those LOL! I might possibly have the coffee table too….I cant remember LOL! Let me know what you’ve already gotten and what you still need and I will send what I have :)
NBHey, Nutty! I’m pretty good, you? YES, and I was overjoyed to see the Neo Gothic Dress! Now my pet can wear it in the Neo Gothic room that I’m working on. What would you like for two couches, and if you have it, the coffee table? I absolutely will not just accept them as a gift though. I heard you were looking for retired exclusives? Which ones of those did you need? :D
You are to funny LOL :D I will let you know which ones I still need :D I had a friend send me 3 yesterday and have several covered….is it ok if I let you know in a bit?? If not wont you consider them a gift?? Maybe if you dont have any that I am looking for right now I can send the couches anyway?? LOL :P
NBAlright, just LMK which ones you still need whenever you can. :D If I don’t have any of those, are you looking for anything else? You could send them as a gift if I don’t have anything you need, but I would have to gift something back, muahhahh.
Hey there eggs :D
You;re so funny lol. Well, as long as you”ll take the couches even if you dont have one that im looking for, here goes…….The ones im looking for are red and purple lava lamps (not likely to find anytime soon lol), tea service, jellybean tree, strike a post plant, so ped moped, windmill, wading pool, the blue and yellow grandfather clock, zingoz bubble blower, vortex. If you do have one on the list, I would love to hear about it LOLZ :D I will send over the couches hopefully tonight but if not, I will most definitely send them over in the morning :D Glad to be able to help :P
Hey also wanted to ask, do you (or anyone you know) have a fresh waterfall up for trade or a lovely log couch?? LMK :D
NBNutty- I’ll send ya the Jellybean Tree and two other somethings tonight for the couches. Thank you so much for helping me out with my Neo Gothic room! :D
Hi there,
I have the tea service and the vortex.
Let me know if you are interested.
Have a super day!
Shell -
August 3, 2012 at 8:12 am #642447
updated trading list part 1 objects:
poison ivy plant
haunted painting
baroness bookshelf
roadster go-kart
dancing zingoz
big top go cat
formula blackboard
steaming volcano
happily ever cake
sugarberry wall clock
pink convertible
farm tractor -
August 3, 2012 at 12:08 am #642433
Amana22 wrote on 2012-08-01 at 09:45 PM
pandabear1967 wrote on 2012-08-01 at 02:20 PM
Amana22 wrote on 2012-08-01 at 01:25 PM
Items for trade:
Bramble Circlet
Jumbo Sunglasses
Lucky leprecaun suit and hat
3d glasses
Gift box shoes
Gold Dress
Lime Green Sweat Pants
Medieval Monarch Sofa
Medieval Trophy Pedestal
Wooden Grandfather clock
Swan Boat Car
Running Shoe Racer
Royal Rein Rug
Antique Wishing well
Wacky Hot air balloon
Pageant Princess Super Exclusive Bed
Winged piano (Sapphire Pegasus PSI)
Strike a posing plant
Yellow plasma ball
Webkinz dragster
Medieval curtains
Sincerely, Amana22
Ps. Amana22 is my webkinz user, and reply to me if you like any of these items!!Hey Amana22,
What would you like for your bramble circlet?
If you don’t want anything in particular, I’ll put of a list of items I’d be willing to trade for it.
Pandabear1967i dont have anything in particular… yeah, please make an offer list, lol
I would be willing to trade you:
Mazin’ Hamster Stunt pants
Charm Fairy Shoes
Red and White Soccer Jesery
Webkinz Hockey Helmet
Black Soccer Pants
Superhero Outfit
Clown Wig
Golden Solar Pants
Wacky Hot Air Ballon
Festive Sidewalk Tree
Giant Gift Box
Rainbow Beach Lounger
Hamster Ball Chandelier
Pretso’s Magic Hat
Giant Sandwich Table
Various Spree Parking Lot TilesIf you don’t like any of the items, I can post some more.
August 2, 2012 at 11:52 pm #642426
Nutty- OH! I almost forgot. I do not know anybody with those I believe.. I’ll keep my little eye out for them though! :)
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