who needs deer antlers? KR=^..^=

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives who needs deer antlers? KR=^..^=

This topic contains 22 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Bella_and_Ivory_BFFs 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #664568


    Hi! I need these! What kind of priceless? I have elephant hat?

    1. #665041

      i think they might be worth one SIG. PSI.
      what do you think KR? also can you make a list please?

    2. #664963

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-09-10 at 08:15 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:46 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-09-09 at 09:23 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-09 at 08:45 PM
      i have lion shoes, frakenkinz cap, egg celebration shoes,
      and christmas tree cap. but i know you won\’t be intrested so i\’m on my wy….

      Oh, why do you say that?…….well i am interested in your lion shoes but not for deer……i have some other clothes, what do you need? : /

      y i say that? well, a long time ago when i traded clothes
      i\’d post a list foromeone, and then no one would reply! i kept telling
      and asking them, but they never botherd to answer me! so after that
      happend to me quite a few times i just gave up trading clothes and stuck to PSI.
      and now nobody ignores me anymore. its like a curse, LOL. i think your the only person
      who\’d actully respond to me once i posted my list…… i don\’t really want any clothing,
      although it would be nice. do u hav any SIG. PSI?

      Ohhhhhh….well i am very sorry to hear that! anyway, I have some sigs but, really, what ARE lion feet worth anyway? Cuz i have NO idea! Thanks :)

      yea… i’ve never traded my clothes on kinznewz sence.
      that was like a year ago or something! lion feet…..
      i have no idea! i don’t know. do you?

    3. #664932


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:46 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-09-09 at 09:23 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-09 at 08:45 PM
      i have lion shoes, frakenkinz cap, egg celebration shoes,
      and christmas tree cap. but i know you won\’t be intrested so i\’m on my wy….

      Oh, why do you say that?…….well i am interested in your lion shoes but not for deer……i have some other clothes, what do you need? : /

      y i say that? well, a long time ago when i traded clothes
      i\’d post a list foromeone, and then no one would reply! i kept telling
      and asking them, but they never botherd to answer me! so after that
      happend to me quite a few times i just gave up trading clothes and stuck to PSI.
      and now nobody ignores me anymore. its like a curse, LOL. i think your the only person
      who\’d actully respond to me once i posted my list…… i don\’t really want any clothing,
      although it would be nice. do u hav any SIG. PSI?

      Ohhhhhh….well i am very sorry to hear that! anyway, I have some sigs but, really, what ARE lion feet worth anyway? Cuz i have NO idea! Thanks :)


    4. #664729


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 11:09 PM

      Hi :) I have full red santa(other than belt) that I could trade for it ;) LMK I have more too :)

      Ooh I could use some if kr doesnt want do u still need the paw print window? Jlmk ~mortonhippo~

    5. #664708


      Hi :) I have full red santa(other than belt) that I could trade for it ;) LMK I have more too :)

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