Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~WHO WANTS MAGICAL RETRIEVER PSI?~

This topic contains 109 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Chelsea315 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #653136

    OH! What do you want!!??!!

    1. #654133


      Sonia1002 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 08:25 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-18 at 09:50 PM
      Hey Sonia, I’m interested in your PSI, from your list I have these:
      Rockerz Lion Clothes
      Rising stage platform (I think)
      Also, here’s a list of some of my cooler clothes and furniture/ PSI’s:
      Wireless headset
      Stadium Security Headset
      Snow Queen Robes
      Pink and Blue Baby Rompers
      Shock Rockin’ Dress
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Rockerz Bulldog Pants
      Rockerz Puppy Shoes
      Neo Gothic Dress
      Nutty Conveyor Belt (sig)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs (sig)
      Juniper Tree Hammock (sig)
      Doggie Diving Pool (sig)
      Jelly Lollipop Tree (retired exclusive)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Banana Boombox (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Arctic Ice Spa (sig)
      Secluded Spa (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cloud Control Station (estore PSI)
      Bronze Deluxe Cooking Trophy
      Please let me know if anything interests you :-)

      will you trade shuts, rockerz lion jacket, and rising platform? LMK ASAP!

      Hey sonia
      I can offer a birthstone psi, slips and dj for the bed. i really need that bed please.

    2. #654131


      Sonia1002 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 08:25 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-18 at 09:50 PM
      Hey Sonia, I’m interested in your PSI, from your list I have these:
      Rockerz Lion Clothes
      Rising stage platform (I think)
      Also, here’s a list of some of my cooler clothes and furniture/ PSI’s:
      Wireless headset
      Stadium Security Headset
      Snow Queen Robes
      Pink and Blue Baby Rompers
      Shock Rockin’ Dress
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Rockerz Bulldog Pants
      Rockerz Puppy Shoes
      Neo Gothic Dress
      Nutty Conveyor Belt (sig)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs (sig)
      Juniper Tree Hammock (sig)
      Doggie Diving Pool (sig)
      Jelly Lollipop Tree (retired exclusive)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Banana Boombox (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Arctic Ice Spa (sig)
      Secluded Spa (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cloud Control Station (estore PSI)
      Bronze Deluxe Cooking Trophy
      Please let me know if anything interests you :-)

      will you trade shuts, rockerz lion jacket, and rising platform? LMK ASAP!

      Sure, you can add me at Windfola if you want to trade, it will make easier to find each other in the clubhouse :-) If you’d like to add me please let me know at least part of your webkinz user name so I know who to expect a request from :-)

    3. #654120


      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-18 at 09:50 PM

      Hey Sonia, I’m interested in your PSI, from your list I have these:
      Rockerz Lion Clothes
      Rising stage platform (I think)
      Also, here’s a list of some of my cooler clothes and furniture/ PSI’s:
      Wireless headset
      Stadium Security Headset
      Snow Queen Robes
      Pink and Blue Baby Rompers
      Shock Rockin’ Dress
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Rockerz Bulldog Pants
      Rockerz Puppy Shoes
      Neo Gothic Dress
      Nutty Conveyor Belt (sig)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs (sig)
      Juniper Tree Hammock (sig)
      Doggie Diving Pool (sig)
      Jelly Lollipop Tree (retired exclusive)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Banana Boombox (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Arctic Ice Spa (sig)
      Secluded Spa (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cloud Control Station (estore PSI)
      Bronze Deluxe Cooking Trophy
      Please let me know if anything interests you :-)

      can you trade your shuts, rockerz lion jacket, and rising platform for my psi bed? My friend said it’s a good deal cause the psi bed only comes in every 300 trading card packs!

    4. #654108


      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-18 at 09:50 PM

      Hey Sonia, I’m interested in your PSI, from your list I have these:
      Rockerz Lion Clothes
      Rising stage platform (I think)
      Also, here’s a list of some of my cooler clothes and furniture/ PSI’s:
      Wireless headset
      Stadium Security Headset
      Snow Queen Robes
      Pink and Blue Baby Rompers
      Shock Rockin’ Dress
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Rockerz Bulldog Pants
      Rockerz Puppy Shoes
      Neo Gothic Dress
      Nutty Conveyor Belt (sig)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs (sig)
      Juniper Tree Hammock (sig)
      Doggie Diving Pool (sig)
      Jelly Lollipop Tree (retired exclusive)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Banana Boombox (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Arctic Ice Spa (sig)
      Secluded Spa (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cloud Control Station (estore PSI)
      Bronze Deluxe Cooking Trophy
      Please let me know if anything interests you :-)

      will you trade shuts, rockerz lion jacket, and rising platform? LMK ASAP!

    5. #654090


      If anyone needs it I do have shuts and the red wolf swing,


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