Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WHO WILL TRADE PLUMPY?

This topic contains 23 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #594908

    hey, it posted right at the last second! awsome! here is my clothing list.
    frakenkinz cap, egg celebration shoes, christmas tre hat, gem belt, cool chipmunk mask, fun fiesta skirt,
    cool sports shades, free world rocking pants, gold dress, snow white dress and purple dwarf hat,
    vintage glam top. PLMKSNOL.

    1. #595057

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-05-02 at 06:47 PM

      nineand3, yeah like i didn’t already know that. also you don’t have to rub in that
      my clothing isn’t much of anyones taste you know. :<
      james, indeed i do. what happend? did something go wong with your trade?

      Well I had two diff. trades for 2 different ones. But the first they only wanted my sly slide but they didnt have anything to add so that one is off the other it has been forever since I heard from them so ya. Would u take Shuts?

    2. #595048

      nineand3, yeah like i didn’t already know that. also you don’t have to rub in that
      my clothing isn’t much of anyones taste you know. :<

      james, indeed i do. what happend? did something go wong with your trade?

    3. #594951

      Hi fugey!! Well wanted to know what u wanted 4 your 2 Sparkle Plants? If you still have them?

    4. #594913


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-05-02 at 04:20 PM

      hey, it posted right at the last second! awsome! here is my clothing list.
      frakenkinz cap, egg celebration shoes, christmas tre hat, gem belt, cool chipmunk mask, fun fiesta skirt,
      cool sports shades, free world rocking pants, gold dress, snow white dress and purple dwarf hat,
      vintage glam top. PLMKSNOL.

      um, i am not sure u will get it, it is very high valued, like, yeah

    5. #594908

      hey, it posted right at the last second! awsome! here is my clothing list.
      frakenkinz cap, egg celebration shoes, christmas tre hat, gem belt, cool chipmunk mask, fun fiesta skirt,
      cool sports shades, free world rocking pants, gold dress, snow white dress and purple dwarf hat,
      vintage glam top. PLMKSNOL.

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