Whoever has a lot of pianos click here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Whoever has a lot of pianos click here!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  dfhgkhdjkfghkdjf 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #700411

    Here are the pianos I need: Enchanted Elven Pipe Organ, Diamond Piano, Haunted Organ, Winged Piano and pretty much any other except wshop and electric keyboard. I will post my list of what I have soon.

    1. #702669

      fluffyfox is you Diamond Piano for trade? Because I REALLY need it so lmk if it is.

    2. #701098


      @fluffyfox: Estore pet items CAN be traded/sent. In fact they are the only estore items that can be traded (besides promotional items/clothing). Just letting you know. Have a nice night! -WF

    3. #701067


      OK dfhgkhdkfghkdjf I will add you My account is expired so go to kinzchat green zone trading room at 9 webkinz time OK?

    4. #701024


      diamond piano is e store only and can’t be traded or kinzposted. I own it, it plays nice music and the only way to get it is to buy the diamond dog. I’m assuming that’s why you want 12,500 estore points?

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