Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WISHLISTS CLICK HERE :)

This topic contains 88 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  MidnightFireflies15 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #770136

    post ur trade and wishlist here:) if u can’t find anything on ur list maybe someone will have whatcha lookin 4 :) my wish list is the Hall of Haunts Ride and I need 8,000 points here is my trading list If u see anything u like plmk :)
    Watermelon top (the estore one from the mystery bag)
    Purple high cut sneakers
    3d glasses
    big black boots
    pink baby romper
    green kinz kringle hat and pants
    scare crow costume
    spring celebration shoes
    Glittering evening gown
    Shimmer gold / silver dress
    Rockerz punk leather jacket
    Rockerz punk pants
    Brilliant ball gown (raccoon psi)
    Rock and roll jumpsuit top
    Swan princess dress
    snow queen robe
    Turkey hat
    Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
    3d glasses
    Paint can cap
    Louies mustache
    Movie star white dress
    Neo gothic dress
    Sleepwalking hat
    Rocker flower power sandals
    And tons more

    City street slide
    Winged piano
    Gold safe
    Sandstone spa
    Hot air balloon
    Valentine’s tubby tummies bear
    Plumpy’s engagement bracelet
    Nafaria’s stained glass window
    candy cane seeds
    Marshmallow seeds
    Water tower chair
    Plumpy’s chair and desk
    Trading card bed
    Fairy high consul thrown
    Strawberry jamming juice box

    1. #772040

      and my user on webkinz is 4555056 im open to all friend requests :)

    2. #772039

      here is my new and improved trading list. i dont really have a wishlist so if u guys need anything plmk
      clothing-Watermelon top (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      Purple high cut sneakers
      3d glasses
      big black boots
      pink baby romper
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Glittering evening gown
      Shimmer gold / silver dress
      Rockerz punk leather jacket
      Rockerz punk pants
      Brilliant ball gown (raccoon psi)
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Swan princess dress
      snow queen robe
      Turkey hat
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      3d glasses
      Paint can cap
      Louies mustache
      Movie star white dresses
      Neo gothic dress
      Sleepwalking drink
      Rocker flower power sandals
      And tons more

      City street slide
      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Sandstone spa
      Hot air balloon
      Valentine’s tubby tummies bear
      Plumpy’s engagement bracelet
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      candy cane seeds
      Marshmallow seeds
      Water tower chair
      Plumpy’s chair and desk
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box

      Hey guys I really, really, really like the Hall of Haunts Ride and would love to have it in my halloween yard. Its 8,000 points though and i dont have any :( anyone have some 4 trade ? :) Here is my list and I have way more, these arejust some things. If u see anything u like plmk :)
      Watermelon top (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      Purple high cut sneakers
      3d glasses
      big black boots
      pink baby romper
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Glittering evening gown
      Shimmer gold / silver dress
      Rockerz punk leather jacket
      Rockerz punk pants
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Turkey hat
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      3d glasses
      Paint can cap
      Louies mustache
      Movie star white dresses
      Neo gothic dress
      Sleepwalking hat
      Rocker flower power sandals
      Sunflower bonnet
      City street slide
      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Sandstone spa
      Hot air balloon
      Plumpy’s engagement bracelet
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      Marshmallow seeds
      Water tower chair
      Plumpy’s chair and desk
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box
      Minning cart
      Campkinz pup tent
      Classic movie studio camera
      Monkey & money banana tree
      Bean stalk climbing tree
      Ice resurfacer
      Googles scrying pond
      Enchanted garden fountain
      Golden apple tree
      Wild water ski
      Raziel topiary

      • #772500

        Hi there MNM. Would you trade either your Neo Gothic Dress or the Glittering Evening Gown for the Forest Archer Dress?

        • #772626

          sorry i already have the forest archer dress. do u have anything else for trade? :) if not ill just send u the neo gothic dress :)

          • #773422

            I have a lot for trade, if you see anything on my forum (New Trading List) that you are interested, let me know. Thanks for everything. ~MORHB~

      • #772565


        Hi Midnightmoon13! I need the city street slide and plumpy’s engagement bracelet! I don’t really have much though, and not e-store points :( Is there anything else you might need like rares or something? PLMK thanks! :)

        • #772570


          Also the beanstalk climbing tree! PLMK :D

    3. #771985


      The sandstone spa has ALWAYS been on my wishlist!

      • #772625

        ill send it to u :) is ur user the same as on here? mines 4555056 i added u :)

      • #773281


        My webkinz acount username is 1pawprint2011! Thx!!

    4. #771887

      YAAAAAAY THANK U CHLOE!!! :) LOL sorry if ive been bugging u nothing posts and when it does it post like 8 times. thanks sooo much im so excited!! i sent them to ur 1 and 2 accounts hope thats ok:) anything i missed? and do u want anything else? i feel like it wasnt too fair for u because u only got 4 items and points cost alot in real life.

      • #772359


        Hey, I’m good. I just love that house, it is so cool. I was so happy when I checked it out. I stuck it somewhere, not the best fit, but who cares. LOL I sent mom the horse PSI, don’t want you hunting it down. LMK if you need anything else, Chloe

        • #772624

          DF-its so cute!! its so adorable in my fall/halloween yard!! i need to organize that room though its so crowded!! most of my rooms are though lol thanks again! :)

    5. #771804

      They might not have it listed because of the fans choice power sale going right now. That way people don’t think it is included in the Power sale. Check this weekend for it, or it might come back next week. Hopefully it wasn’t just a couple day item. Good luck getting your points.

      • #771919

        morhb-thanks :) DF sent the ride and i sent her the items so everythings good :) did u see what i wrote on ur forum? i have the newtans giant craddle, Black licorice cats,Candy corn claws, and a couple other things from ur list. i dont really want them so ill send them to u if u want :) is ur user the same as the one here? i sent a friend requestmines 4555056 :)

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