Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WISHLISTS CLICK HERE :)

This topic contains 88 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  MidnightFireflies15 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #770136

    post ur trade and wishlist here:) if u can’t find anything on ur list maybe someone will have whatcha lookin 4 :) my wish list is the Hall of Haunts Ride and I need 8,000 points here is my trading list If u see anything u like plmk :)
    Watermelon top (the estore one from the mystery bag)
    Purple high cut sneakers
    3d glasses
    big black boots
    pink baby romper
    green kinz kringle hat and pants
    scare crow costume
    spring celebration shoes
    Glittering evening gown
    Shimmer gold / silver dress
    Rockerz punk leather jacket
    Rockerz punk pants
    Brilliant ball gown (raccoon psi)
    Rock and roll jumpsuit top
    Swan princess dress
    snow queen robe
    Turkey hat
    Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
    3d glasses
    Paint can cap
    Louies mustache
    Movie star white dress
    Neo gothic dress
    Sleepwalking hat
    Rocker flower power sandals
    And tons more

    City street slide
    Winged piano
    Gold safe
    Sandstone spa
    Hot air balloon
    Valentine’s tubby tummies bear
    Plumpy’s engagement bracelet
    Nafaria’s stained glass window
    candy cane seeds
    Marshmallow seeds
    Water tower chair
    Plumpy’s chair and desk
    Trading card bed
    Fairy high consul thrown
    Strawberry jamming juice box

    1. #773555

      oh wait sorry!@ misread! thats what you have for trade, I apologize.

    2. #773554

      Can I have pineapple hat? ill send you something in return? do you still need; 3d glasses?

      • #774663

        just so u know its the pinapple hat from vacation island. if u still need it plmk :)

    3. #773010

      Trading list I traded some items and added some so here is my new list
      Watermelon top (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      Purple high cut sneakers
      3d glasses
      big black boots
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Shimmer gold / silver dress
      Rockerz punk leather jacket
      Rockerz punk pants
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Turkey hat
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      3d glasses
      Paint can cap
      Louies mustache
      Movie star white dresses
      Neo gothic dress
      Sleepwalking drink
      Rocker flower power sandals
      And tons more
      City street slide
      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Sandstone spa
      Hot air balloon
      Valentine’s tubby tummies bear
      Plumpy’s engagement bracelet
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      Marshmallow seeds
      Plumpy’s chair and desk
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box
      Medieval unicorn tapestry
      Googles scrying pond
      Griffin emblem rug

      • #773512

        I have a theater screen I can trade you if you still need one. I would like your neo gothic dress and paint can cap. I was wondering if your had the patriotic top hat, samurai helmet or rainbow hat too? LMK if this will work for you. Thanks for everything you have gifted so far. ~MORHB~

        • #774150

          yeah that would work!! i could do neogothic dress and paint can cap. im sorry i dont have the patriotic top hat, samurai helmet or rainbow hat :( is there anything else u need? plmk if u want 2 trade :)

    4. #772623

      here are some free items that i wanna give away. plmk if any of u want any of these! Bramble circlet
      Pineapple hat
      Straw skirt
      Umbrella hat
      Charm fairy shoes
      Wheel of wow shirt
      Groovy retro jeans
      Martian helmet
      Winged tee
      Summertime skirt
      Wheel of the month hat
      Dunce cap
      Clown wig
      Clown nose
      Holnwon golf pants
      Unicycle helmet
      Solar helmet
      moon berry dress
      charm fairy top
      Pop rock princess hat
      Silver tiara
      Clown shoes
      Super hero outfit and shoes

      Pile of Persian pillows
      Kinz cash side table
      Town square clock
      Monkey & monkey movie poster
      Pop art carrots poster
      Party poster
      Top record place setting
      Shoe rack
      High tech stocking stuffer
      Framed photo of sera
      Fish king bobble head
      Jumble berry fields poster
      Ice resurfacer
      And tons more

      • #773126


        I need the fish king bobble head please!!! ♥♥ :D LT

        • #773475

          hi lambtyler do u still need the bobble head or did u get one from chloe? :) DF im trying to be nice to people and u just have to be such a kind person and a gift giver!! lol thanks :)

          • #774171


            No I don’t still need the bobble head. And yes, DF is an angel :) But from you I am still interested in your bean stalk climbing tree, plumpy’s engagement bracelet and city street slide! Let me know if you still have them! LT

    5. #772622

      momofredheadboys-i sent some things from ur list just as a gift :) AliceInWebkinzland4- im really sorry i dont have the baby romper but i have the tree and will send it as a gift. is ur user the same as the one on here? my user is 4555056

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