Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WITCH HAT NEEDED?

This topic contains 45 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  schnauzersaregreat 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #631366

    GravityFallsDipper wrote on 2012-07-15 at 01:08 PM

    I have a witch hat for trade looking for priceless- wacky jeans, shutts. I also have Stonewashed Jeans loooking for priceless for them too- shutts, wacky jeans, other cool clothes

    Hello! I have shuts! Would you like to trade now? Please add me at paperdog1234. I will be in light blue kinzchat. I will be a black Lab named Blackie. What’s your IN?? Oops I meant UN.

    1. #635799

      Yingx I am getting witch. DO you want to do this trade?

      Me- Wacky and witch. Well I don;t know if I am getting e=witch yet. Oops I added in some words.

      You- Full cat costume. If I get witch will u do another costume?

    2. #635069

      Hey yingx, witch do you want THE MOST? Witch or wacky? I am in the middle of a witch hat trade for my cat shirt and feet. But I don’t want to trade it yet because you haven’t been on yet and I’d like to know witch you’d like. And another reason is because I don’t know when you will be on and I don’t want to go without cat parts for a couple of days.

    3. #635026

      Hi yingx! I’m on now. Is this the right trade then???

      You- Full B and W cat costume

      Me- Wacky Zingoz Jeans. The costume has the same value of wacky.

    4. #634803

      yingx wrote on 2012-07-20 at 05:31 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-20 at 04:34 PM
      Yingx are you yingX on WW? I accepted your FR. I’m going to be a dog. I switch pets every day.

      Sure. What would you trad for witch though? I really need it too.

      I don’t have witch yet. Can we trade now?

    5. #634798


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-20 at 04:34 PM

      Yingx are you yingX on WW? I accepted your FR. I’m going to be a dog. I switch pets every day.

      Sure. What would you trad for witch though? I really need it too.

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