~{Worlds Best Naming Contest Ever!}~

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ~{Worlds Best Naming Contest Ever!}~

This topic contains 39 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  chihuahualuver 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90791


    <p>Hi! I\’m hosting a naming contest called \"Worlds Best Naming Contest Ever,\" and anyone can join! I\’ll judge the names, and I\’ll post results! The first pets are: Black Wolf, Sig. Potbellied Pig, African Wild Dog. The limit is 15 names! Thnx for posting!!

    1. #674136

      LEG11 wrote on 2012-10-10 at 02:29 PM

      Sorry it took so long, but here are the results!!
      Bubblegum Cheeky Cat~ designergirl101 with DoNotBurstMyBubble
      chihuahualuver with bubble trouble
      WackyWebber with Hubba Bubba
      Sugar Coated Kitty~ fanofthefrog7 with Frosted Cupcake
      Kayleylovesoccer with Sugar Cutie
      chihuahualuver with Sugar Rush
      Next pets: Moon Fox and Sig. Normande Cow!! ~{LEG11}~

      Yay, I won twice! I will enter the next one, ok.

    2. #674094

      Hi Leg11! I entered your first contest, remember? I’m going to wait until the next one to enter.
      Going to an improv night later at my school…. wonder how that’s going to be. :)

      ~A.R.G.: improvalicious!!

    3. #674088

      When are the results coming in?

    4. #673604


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-10 at 09:08 PM

      Okay sorry about that:)

      No worries. (: ~WW

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