Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  spotpuppy2000 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #711701


    Trading clothing.

    1. #716088

      i’m friends w/ her on webkinz if that is what u mean lol. wait why would u send me a gift? i’ll send her the wings but if u need some i can send them to you! i remeber u sent me wings when i got cheated out of my items and i recently got an extra pair.

    2. #716073

      Dogfish – I don’t even have a fairy den dress. I just saw a picture of one the other day…. I wish I had one. Do you have an extra one you would trade me for some points??? Or do you know where I might get one?? When I was googling another item, I happended to run across one… i have only been a WW member since November 2011, so a little more than a year now. I have seen you around and have been hoping we could be friends. :)

    3. #715126

      Ok, so you are offering the 2009 Halloween Headpiece and the Golden Gown?? The deluxe gown? I am going to buy the panda pet later today, so I will not need that. Would you take 10000 for the HH piece and the Golden Gown?? I am more than happy to sent that to you. Thank you.

      • #715359


        Hi, Leah! I seem to have misplaced the Golden Gown, either somewhere in my house or stored as Quick Change on a pet, or I could’ve traded it, I just can’t find it in my dock! I’m so, so sorry, that’s such a mess! I’m a bit muddled sometimes. I’ll try to find it. I’m going to retract it from my offer for now. Would you still give the original offer of 7000 for the HH? PLMK!

      • #715595


        Sisterleah, I am sorry, but you are over paying for everythting. It makes it harder for others to trade points, please try to understand this. I will be happy to trade you anything you need for the normal price, like 3-4 dollars a piece. Some items are even less. I have almost every WW item, so JLMK what you need. I don’t need points, just don’t like to see you cheated. If your goal is to give your points away, nerver mind this post. DF

        • #715735

          Thank you dogfish. It is not my goal to give my points away, and I don’t want to make it hard for others to trade!!! I really don’t know how to get a list of what everything is worth! I don’t have a lot of time to spend on Webkinz. Life is busy. Thank you so much for your kindness in addressing this issue. I remember seeing a post one time that said you pay like 3 to 4 K for PSI, so I thought that rare clothing would be worth more??? I must be mistaken. Can you give me a little guidance??? Any help would be so appreciated. please.

          • #715986


            Hi leah, I buy most of my extra items. I pay anywhere from 2-5 dollars, depending on how hard it is to get on webkinz. For instance the social media items, like the sofa and emo are worth the most, as much as 9-10. The level ten, like golden chariot bed and and the sweet tooth sofa are worth more also. Almost alll the deluxe clothes are about 3,000 points, promo about the same. Fairy den dress maybe more, since you had to spend a lot to get one. You may want to check the WW value guide, for all webkinz items and the value. Add me clo 91 clo92 and I’ll be happy to sell you anything you need at the real price. DF

            • #716071

              Wow. I feel like such a fool. Thank you for the very kind offer. I am going to add you now. My user name is the same. I am happy to trade with you. Please forgive me for making it difficult for others to trade. I will do my best not to do this again.

        • #716085

          hey chloe i don’t really know her but she seems like a kind generous person! i’m friends w/ her on webkinz if that is what u mean lol. wait why would u send me a gift? i’ll send her the wings but if u need some i can send them to you! i remeber u sent me wings when i got cheated out of my items and i recently got an extra pair.

    4. #715101


      Oh! I have Crimson Red Robes, part of the Red Panda clothing PSI if you’re interested.

    5. #714166

      I have spent a lot of money on clothes lately, but, would consider trading more points for the right items. there are still a few more i need. Could you give me a list of what you have? I like to look the items up before I make an offer. THANK YOU!!!!!

      • #714688


        Okay! Well, I have Golden Gown, but not really anything else I’d like to trade. The original offer is fine by me. If you like, you could post a list of what you need, so I can keep a look out for them. Thanks!

      • #715476

        i have tons of items and i need 7,000 points to get the aquamarine puppy next month which is my birthstone :) if cutie doesn’t have these and you need them plmk :) clothing
        Purple high cut sneakers
        3d glasses
        big black boots
        pink baby romper
        green kinz kringle hat and pants
        scare crow costume
        spring celebration shoes
        Glittering evening gown
        Shimmer gold / silver dress
        Rockerz punk leather jacket
        Rockerz punk pants
        Brilliant ball gown (raccoon psi)
        And i also have tons more so plmk :) also do u have licorice dress?

        • #715819

          i am interested in your wings and if you have the licorice dress, i definately need it. I do have some estore points, but if you trade clothes for clothes, please give me a list of items you need and I may have some extras. I do have an extra Rockers Leather Jacket and extra 3 D glasses, extra pink trading card cropped jacket, full clown, and several other items. REall need the wings and licorice dress. Thank you for finding me!

          • #715905

            sorry i don’t have licorice dress i was asking if u needed it. but i do have wings so plmk if u still need them. i would rather trade for estore points but if u would rather trade for clothes plmk

          • #715970

            sorry i don’t have licorice dress i was asking if u needed it. but i do have wings so plmk if u still need them. i would rather trade for estore points but if u would rather trade for clothes plmk

            • #716031


              Hi MNM, if you are friends with sisterleah, please send her the wings and I’ll send you a gift. trust me, LOL it will be something you like. OK? I’ve given most of my wings away and keep forgetting to get more. Take care, your friend DF

    6. #716386


      Hi Leah, the gown was a gift, so I’ll send you something for the points today. How about the licorice dress? Just so you now, I mostly use my points at my main account clo91, but no biggie if you sent them to 92. When you have time, make a list of what you need and I’ll start searcing for them. I have 8 accounts, so somethimes it takes a while. Please don’t send more than 2,000 points per item, I’m getting items on sale right now. The gown is kinda rare, I’ve never won one, LOL but i have a bunch, and it is just a Deluxe Prize machine prize. TTYL DF

    7. #716399


      Cutie, you didn’t do anything wrong. Everyone wants and needs points, I understand. Sisterleah was just paying way too much and I finally had to say something. There is absolutely no single item in WW worth what she was paying, except the famous Director Chair which no one has even seen before. LOL Good Luck trading, DF

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