Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  spotpuppy2000 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #711701


    Trading clothing.

    1. #716557

      Midnightmoon – thank you for the wings!!! They are more beautiful than I though they would be!!! Leah :)

      • #716662

        lol ur welcome!

        • #717053


          Hi MNM would you like points or an item? PLMK Chloe

          • #717198

            u don’t have to get me anything! but maybe i could get some points w/ my bday money and trade u some for a licorice dress if u happen to have an extra :) i’m also looking for points for an aquamarine puppy next month because it is my birthstone :) but u don’t have to give me anything for no reason if thats what u were planning! but if u’d like to trade w/ me plmk whatcha looking for even thought i probably don’t have it lol

            • #717418


              MNM, my I am confused. LOL I wanted to send you something because you sent Leah the wings. I can help you with your pup, it’s my birthstone also. I am in need of some items right now, all PSFs, for a friend. They are the new st pat dino, the renaissance butterfly, candy pup, and something called pinata candy mix. I was told the candy mix comes from the estore pinata, but it don’t come out of the one I have. LOL I spent all day hitting that thing. How about I send the points now and the dress as a BD gift? I know you would help me anytime, and I thank you for sending the wings. Chloe

    2. #716555

      Dogfish – I will get a list of everything I need. I cannot thank you enough. You are so very kind!!! thank you again. :)

    3. #716152

      i’m friends w/ her on webkinz if that is what u mean lol. wait why would u send me a gift? i’ll send her the wings but if u need some i can send them to you! i remeber u sent me wings when i got cheated out of my items and i recently got an extra pair.

      • #716394


        Hi MNM, just thought I could get two thing done at once. Since you have extra wings, if you want to send them fine, to me or to Leah. I will be getting some wings today, if you want to keep your extras. It may be easier if you just keep yours. It gets too confusing. LOL Sorry, and TTYL DF

        • #716548

          hey DF i send them to leah but i could send u my last pair if u want :)

          • #716643


            Thanks, MNM don’t send me wings, I don’t need them. I’ll send you something, a surprise, as soon as I get home. Thanks for sending those. DF

            • #716917

              u don’t have to send me anything! ur already kind enough :)

    4. #716112


      Sorry everybody, I also did not have an idea of value as the first forum I came across was dancer’s, and all the trades made were at a high price, so I assumed that was what I should charge. I’m really sorry for all of this and I want you to know Leah, I was not trying to cheat you. And Dogfish, thanks for telling me. Would you forgive me?

    5. #716111


      Sisterleah, I sent you a few gifts, nothing needed in return, if you make a list of all, yes all, the deluxe items you need, I’ll see what I have. My bff, friendly1 has extras also and will help. She is a great friend. If you want to use points, that’s OK, I won’t take more than $2 an item. I also don’t mind trading, even though I’m awful at it. LOL MNM, just LMK if you sent Leah the wings, if you don’t have any, I’ll send them myself. TTYL DF PS also, if you are low on ponts, I don’t need them right away and don’t mind waiting.

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