Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Would anyone give eStore points for 2009 Deluxe clothing?!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  spotpuppy2000 11 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #711701


    Trading clothing.

    1. #717752

      SMG & SMG2

      Also Dogfish, do you have the Myster Item from the estore, the mining ride or something like that? I would love to offer on it…

    2. #717735

      SMG & SMG2

      I have the renaiisance palace butterfly…

    3. #717605


      Sisterleah, I was just checking out your My Page. You can do me a favor, could you please send me three renaissance palace butterfly PSFs. I’m trying to help a friend and got stuck with that pet and the st pat dino. No one had them. See how easy it is to help each other, you just never know what one needs, LOL Thanks in advance. Chloe

    4. #717604

      dogfish- lol sorry if i confused u! i was saying u don’t have to send me anything because i sent them to leah. i have 7,000 right now and need 5,500 but u don’t have to send me any! Sorry I don’t have any of those items but will keep a look out in the trading rooms for u is there anything else u need? that’s cool we have the same birth month! Ur welcome! Ttyl :)

      • #717737


        Hi MNM, check you points, Happy Birthday. If you see any st pat dinos in the CH, I need that PSF. LOL Also need pinata candy mix, not sure where it comes from, maybe a party room? TTYL DF

        • #717908

          OMG THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T THANKS U ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol but my bd isn’t for another month! when is yours so i can send u a gift? I will keep a look out 4 u!

        • #717912

          i looked up the candy mix and i’m pretty sure it comes from the happy bday pinata which is at the estore and it is like one of those items where u click on it and get food. i’ll keep a look out 4 u though!

    5. #717597

      I really need the over the rainbow slide. I also need melody, rainbow fountain of wow, or promo slides. I also have, melody (have and need lol) wz, army, red lava, full cat, full elephant, spins, mad science goggles, and a purple witch hat (halloween hat) that is my priceless or valueable clothing. lmk if you have the promo i need or feel free to tell me about any other promo. Thanks so much! -spot.

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