
The extra nosey Aardvark is fitting in splendidly in Webkinz World! This anteater loves to play at recess and its favorite spot is the Ant Hill Thrill Pit! If you adopt the Aardvark, make sure it eats some healthy vegetables along with its favorite creamy Termite Delight desserts!

18 Responses to Aardvark

  1. rynniepoo says:

    I have this pet! Her name is Stacy and she’s adorable.

  2. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got him at Tuesday Morning once. I named him Snuffles, because I saw one in real life once and it wouldn’t stop sneezing and searching for ants XD.

  3. alienprincess18 says:

    Long snout, eats ants? Must be an Aardvark! A mammal with large ears a long snout and a long tongue. They are rather exotic animals and are quite different from any other animal you might see here in webkinz world! They are sometimes confused with the anteater species, because they look very much alike and both eat ants and termites. Aardvark teeth are believed to prevent illness and are rather strong. They are born nocturnal but can be taught to verse.

  4. bahnbahn2 says:

    I really want an ardvark! I even did a five page report about them!

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