Airborne Puppy

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49 Responses to Airborne Puppy

  1. Basketball555 says:

    Thunder is a nice name awesomness3000. If I had one I would name it Wind Fire or Fire Water.

  2. glitter6104 says:

    i want this pet soooo much! It looks like an angel!!!

  3. awesomness3000 says:

    Ganz should make a plush for this webkinz. It would be so cute. I got this pet and named it “Thunder!”. I luv it!

  4. silkypbj says:

    This is so CUTE!

  5. webkinzlover404 says:

    sooooooooooo cute

  6. meeper75 says:

    So cute!!!!! Ganz, PLEASE make it a plushie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Amlykins says:

    love it im gonna get another one ^_-

  8. yyyy77545rt says:

    I am so getting it <3

  9. Rainbowpwer942 says:

    Suggested Description: This Puppy will fly right into your heart with it’s never-ending space of love! And you’ll get more love each pack of Wigned Wet Food, too!

  10. cloebearky says:

    this is so cute! I love webkinz with wings please ganz make this a plush!

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