American Golden

Giving, gracious, and noble – that’s the American Golden, to a tee! If you really want to pamper your pet, make sure you send them on a relaxing vacation. This puppy loves to travel!

12 Responses to American Golden

  1. raycefan1 says:

    I Have that one it was my first Webkinz!

  2. andreea1999 says:

    I have it! I really thing this dog is so sweet, cute, and I totally love it! ♥

  3. ggghhh says:

    You have big ears and I like it so I like your beautiful eyes. You look wonderful when you go to fancy restaurants it is I like you went when you go to special restaurants you look so wonderful bye

  4. puniti says:

    I have it :))

  5. Fracktail says:

    Aww, why does it look so sad? Either way, it’s a cute pet. It’s too bad it’s retired.

  6. ArmyStrongAPOS says:

    I know right the poor puppy looks sad

  7. PeacePuppy2323 says:

    it’s so cute! But it looks so sad! Poor little puppy!!!

  8. laineebug11 says:

    this puppy is sooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it wish I had it!!!!

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