Barred Owl

Whether this popular pet is making friends or carefully watching over Webkinz World, the wise Barred Owl loves to keep busy. When it’s time for a rest, you’ll usually find the Barred Owl sitting contently in its Hollow Lounger eating Rocky Rodent Mice Cream.

10 Responses to Barred Owl

  1. lunch says:

    I have one; his name is Puxatawny. :)

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I hadn’t originally intended to get this pet, but my mother insisted that I get him as soon as she saw him (she LOVES the feathers on his chest!). To be honest, I’m very glad my mother said something because this owl is ADORABLE!!! His feathers are so fluffy and smooth!!! :) I haven’t adopted him yet, but I’m going to name him Barnabas since it sounds like “Barred.” :D

  3. Wycklyn says:

    i love what looks like feathers on the plush pet’s belly.

  4. migrubbs says:

    I got this retired pet from the Estore before it was gone for good. And I named him Archimedes from Disney’s The Sword in the Stone.

  5. EarthLover22 says:

    I have had one for a while. It is so fluffy. I love it! I think the “Rocky Rodent Mice Cream” is REALLY clever, get it rocky road ice cream!

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