
Which pet is all that? Just ask anyone – it’s the Bat! This pet loves to fly around Webkinz World visiting friends, playing games, and enjoying a cup or two of Freaky Fruit Frappe!

26 Responses to Bat

  1. Whatusername4 says:

    Hey Ganz, do you think you could bring this virtual pet to the w-shop? I have one with no code so I would be very appreciative if you did. Thank you

  2. Beckinz8 says:

    I would name him Severus Snape! I wonder if I could still find the plush with a code…hmmmmm…

  3. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    If I get her I’ll name her Kathy after one of my friends

  4. hp93 says:

    My boyfriend got me one of these back in October. He has absolutely the most velvety wings- I love running my hands on them. My bat is named Bruceman after Batman/Bruce Wayne.

  5. Cheri1964 says:

    want to buy virtual bat

  6. Cheri1964 says:

    how do I buy the virtual one?

  7. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Bats are one of my most favorite animals, and I had wanted the Webkinz for a while. Before I had even started looking for it, I found the plush (with the code) at a thrift store a few months ago! I named her Stellaluna after the bat from the book by Janell Cannon. It was one of my favorite books when I was younger. :)

  8. Exora says:

    i want one and i’ll name her Twinkle from the part in Alice in Wonderland where the Mad Hatter says: Twinkle, twinkle little bat . . . .

    • Fracktail says:

      …How I wonder what you’re at? Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky! :D Man, I used to love that book so much. The March Hare was always my favorite (although the Mad Hatter is still up there. I’d totally wear a top hat like that. Well, without the mercury.)

  9. RainbowReptile says:

    I think bats are adorable. :)

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