What’s black and white and has the puffiest cheeks in Webkinz World? If you guessed the Black and White Cheeky Dog, you’re right! This cool canine is truly unique. Black and White Cheeky Dogs love to hang out in the Clubhouse, visit the Arcade and decorate their rooms…and of course, just play with you!
Black And White Cheeky Dog

16 Responses to Black And White Cheeky Dog
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I had this guy on my old account, I think his name was Oreo
I got one of these yesterday! Mines named Cookie and I haven’t adopted him yet
I named mine fuzzy wuzzy
I have the Lil’ Kinz! I’m going to name her Pupcakes after prprprprp since she was my friend. And since she was so enthusiastic about Webkinz, I’m decorating the pet’s room in the Superfan Theme. :)
Well, I’m having tag issues with this pet at the moment so it might be a bit before I can adopt her.
Good name.
Mine is named Sparky, and he’s a science fiction geek! :D (I would be one too, but I’m too busy being a video game geek. :P)
I want this pet I have its food item though :)
I have the big one and the lil kinz one. There names are Cookies and Cream!
Opps accidentally clicked enter My username is ZUMPA if malgalganz, EarthLover22 or, megalegozero want to be my friend!!! Or anyone else!!!!!
i used to have one of these when i was little, and i named it Furry. i lost the account after a year, and eventually lost the stuffed animal. :( anyway, now i have 2 webkinz and will keep collecting untill i grow out of it. (which might be never, since i’m 12 and still playing!) :)
Me too, It will take a while for me to grow out of Webkinz!!!!
I’m 15 and still playing. Webkinz never gets old! :D
I Agreed megalegozero, I am 13. My username is ZUMPA
Super Cute!
tots adorable! ♥♥♥