
The Boxer may be tough and tenacious, but when not competing, they’re also sweet and cuddly! They are always looking for some exercise, so make sure you give them a few rounds on their Boxing Ring Trampoline. And once the dinner bell rings, reward your Boxer with some well-earned Champion Treats!

6 Responses to Boxer

  1. notwen says:

    I named mine Alf from ALF.


    Awwwwwwwwwwwe ssssssooooo cute!!!

  3. awesometeed789 says:

    i have this pet her name is layla shout out to floweR chilD :]

  4. 594nat says:

    This is a really cute Webkinz. Looks a lot like a real Boxer! ;-)

  5. CountryKinz17 says:

    Put em up, put em up! xD

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