No smoke and mirrors needed – this Charcoal-colored kitty is a charming chum to everyone! Charcoal Cats love to play in the Arcade, enjoy a good laugh or two and especially like learning new skills at the Kinzville Academy. It’s true – the Charcoal Cat is all that!
Charcoal Cat

31 Responses to Charcoal Cat
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one of my childhood babies rip my old account
i have one and named her ash and i love her! :D
This cutie is on my wishlist! If I get him, I’ll name him Dante, after one of my characters
I have this pet! I don’t remember where I got her. I named her Charcoal, because, well, duh.
This was my first online pet! I named him Alexander
I have this pet, but I haven’t adopted her yet because she doesn’t have a name. I’ve thought of Charcoaletta, but I sort-of like Carrie or Charlotte as well. I’ll keep thinking about it, though.
Good names.
Thank you, migrubbs! :)
I found another plush of this pet (with KinzClothes) at the the thrift store! She doesn’t have a tag, but I’m hoping I can get the virtual version from the eStore. When I took her out of the bag, I saw that the front of her embroidered Ganz tag was backwards! Since she is my first flawed Webkinz (Yay!!!), I’m thinking of naming her Flawrence. ;D
And how did the extra “the” get there? I should really proofread my already-proofread comments a little more! XD
My first pet ever! :) :)
Cool! My first pet was a Pink Pony.