ChiChi Chihuahua

The trendy ChiChi Chihuahua is sure to become a Webkinz World favorite! A true shopaholic, this pretty pooch needs a Chic Wardrobe to hold all its fancy new clothes! And after a long day of browsing through every aisle of the Kinzstyle Outlet, the Chihuahua likes to chow down on a Decadent Doggy Dish.

13 Responses to ChiChi Chihuahua

  1. FoxesRule612 says:

    I love this pet, I wanted her so much as a kid! Maybe I should get one :P

  2. cool4WHILE says:

    What does “retired’ mean?

    • 7199 says:

      retired means that means that the people who run webkinz think that something gets old and outdated like some webkinz games got retired and some wshop room themes get out dated and usually some webkinz pets get like that too.(or that’s what i think.) kinda sad but at least you can still buy them.

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        In the case of games and such, yes. Many times when games “retire” they are too old or the code is glitchy or there is usually some other reason behind it (like copyright). But when it comes to pets, retired means sold out.

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I almost got this pet! I was looking for a pet to fit a particular name I had picked out and decided to match the name with this pet. However, I gave that name to my Meerkat. The funny thing is, though, that my Meerkat’s best friend is a ChiChi Chihuahua! XD

  4. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this for my new niece Lucy and name this pet, Hollywood from My Little Pony.

  5. TweeDL says:

    oh! i want to get one and put it in my Avzora account and call her ChiChi. i have the regular Chihuahua (lil’ kinz) and she’s named Huahua, so they’d be sisters! i love the ChiChi Chihuahua’s big glistening eyes and little smile and she’s PINK!!! love to all! :D – Avzora ♥

  6. 594nat says:

    I got one for Christmas and she’s my Chihuahua’s wife! Her name is Churro and she is so adorable!

  7. kitty3119 says:

    I love this pet! It is one of my Favorites! I have it and want another! <3

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