
Why did the chicken cross the road? To make friends with you, of course! Chickens really do enjoy making friends and getting out – in fact, they really don’t like being cooped up for long! Adopt this plucky pal and you’re sure to have lots of good cluck!

14 Responses to Chicken

  1. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    I have the pet on my first account! I wanted to name him Chicky but I screwed up and types cicky instead >.>

  2. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I don’t remember where I got her. I named her Pennycent, because I was a strange child. No, the real reason was because the Webkinz I had gotten right before this one was a Cow, which I named Cashcow, after the game in WW. So then I figured, since I had one about cash, I needed one about coins. So I named her Pennycent.

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I have the Regular Kinz! Her name is Henrietta. ;)

  4. 594nat says:

    I have this pet his name’s Chicken Joe!

  5. cowtown says:

    i have a question i just got a chicken kinz clip at my walmart if you add it do you get a pet or just so you can use the zum place, only. thanks if anyone can help me, they have kin clips there on sale i was so happy cause i want a chicken to.

  6. AvzoraB says:

    all chickens used to be able to fly, but as they were domesticated, farmers realized it was easier if they didn’t and so flying was bred out of them, like hundreds of years ago. if there are any wild chickens left, i’m sure they do fly. absolutely love this pet! so dorky looking! gotta get me one! ;) :D

  7. tinygma says:

    Dutch New Guinea there are chickens who DO FLY. My Dad was stationed there during WW2 they slept in the trees and flew up there to sleep and for safety ;) It’s true :)

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